Where can I find information on lighthouses?
Information about the history of lighthouses in Scotland is relatively easy to get hold of through published books and the Internet, and by visiting lighthouse museums. Books to look at include R W Munro, Scottish Lighthouses (Thule, 1979); K Allardyce and E Hood, At Scotland’s Edge (Collins,1986); K Allardyce, Scotland’s Edge Revisited (Collins, 1998); B Bathurst, The Lighthouse Stevensons (Flamingo, 1998); J Hume, Harbour Lights in Scotland (Scottish Vernacular Buildings Working Group, 1997); J Leslie and R Paxton, Bright Lights: The Stevenson Family of Engineers 1752-1971 (1999); C. Mair, A Star for Seamen: the Stevenson Family of Engineers (J Murray, 1978); R L Stevenson, Records of a Family of Engineers (1896).
The most useful websites are those of the Scottish Lighthouse Museum <https://lighthousemuseum.org.uk/> Northern Lighthouse Board and Trinity House. All accessed 24 April 2024] Two lighthouses have visitor centres: the Scottish Lighthouse Museum at Fraserburgh (in the north east of Scotland) and the Ardnamurchan Lighthouse (in the extreme west of the British mainland).