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                  Where can I find copies of parliamentary papers in Scotland?

                  Copies of Parliamentary Papers come in different formats – mainly bound volumes and microfilm. The National Library of Scotland, the Mitchell Library in Glasgow and other large reference libraries hold sets. Some university libraries also hold sets and a few local authority reference libraries hold partial sets. Parliamentary Papers are also available online through ProQuest which is a subscription service used by university libraries and some large reference libraries.

                  For other options go to <https://archives.parliament.uk/online-resources/parliamentary-papers/> [accessed 26 April 2024].

                  How can I find Scottish evidence in parliamentary papers on particular subjects?

                  Look at  J.A. Haythornthwaite N. C. Wilson and V. A. Batho, Scotland in the Nineteenth Century: an analytical bibliography of material relating to Scotland in Parliamentary Papers 1800-1900 (1993). This describes the content of evidence presented to parliamentary committees and commissions and is arranged thematically in broad subject groupings (e.g. ‘agriculture’, ‘crime and punishment’, ‘education’, ‘industry’ etc), and an index. In each case there is a reference to the year, volume, sessional number etc.

                  Where in parliamentary papers is the (oft-quoted) evidence relating to child labour in Scottish mines?

                  The evidence is contained in the First Report of the Commissioners on Children’s Employment (Mines) and appendices, 1842. Vol. XV, 269p. (Sessional no. 380), Vol XVI, 886p. (Sessional no. 381), and Vol. XVII, 937p. (Sessional no. 382).

                  Where in parliamentary papers are the ‘returns’ giving information about each school in Scotland in 1838?

                  the returns are in the Abstract of Answers Made by Schoolmasters in Scotland to Queries Circulated, in 1838, by order of the Select Committee on Education in Scotland. Accounts and Papers, 1841. Vol. XIX, 1109p. (Sessional no. 64).