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                  Death records – Other churches

                  The survival of death or burial registers for churches other than the Church of Scotland and the Roman Catholic Church is variable. They are sometimes held by the individual congregations themselves and sometimes by local archives services and sometimes by the National Records of Scotland. Details of the locations of these records may be held by the National Register of Archives Scotland (NRAS). Known locations are listed below:

                  United Free Church of Scotland – NRS (ref CH13)

                  Free Church of Scotland – NRS (ref CH16), Highland Council Archives

                  Society of Friends or ‘Quakers’ – NRS (ref CH10)

                  Methodist Church in Scotland – NRS (ref CH11), Stirling Council Archives, Glasgow City Archives, Highland Council Archives and other local archives services

                  Scottish Episcopal Church – NRS (ref CH12) Glasgow City Archives, Highland Council Archives and other local archives services. Most of the Scottish Episcopal burial registers are still be held by the congregation and recorded in the relevant NRAS survey. Some congregations have deposited theirs with University as well as local authority archives – this latter according to guidance laid down many years ago by the Episcopal Church – eg for Aberdeen, city parishes to Aberdeen City Archives and landward parishes to the University of Aberdeen Archives.

                  Congregational Churches – NRS (ref CH14) Glasgow City Archives, Highland Council Archives and other local archives services

                  Unitarians – NRS (ref CH15), Dundee City Archives, Glasgow City Archives

                  Baptist Churches – individual congregations, various local archives services including Glasgow City Archives, Highland Council Archives.