Correspondence and Icelandic material collected by Charles F. Scott
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-1501
- Dates of Creation:1960-2006
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
The material bequeathed by Charles F. Scott to Edinburgh University Library (along with a number of book/journal items) is composed of:
Correspondence and other items:
- Letter to Scott, from Landsbokasafn Islands, Reykjavik 12 April 1966, referring to his article on libraries in Iceland
- Postcard from Neskaupstad, 2 January 1968, to Mr and Mrs C.F. Scott, London, with message in Icelandic about Magnus having started studies in architecture at Strathclyde University
- Note to 'Dear Charles Scott' dated 6 September 1970? on 3pp of poems by Jonas Hallgrimsson, being 'A toast to Iceland', 'My elder sister', and 'Verses for Icelanders'
- Christmas Greetings card, dated Reykjavik 16 December 1970 with note to 'Dear friends'
- Typescript letter dated Gljufrasteinn 11 December 1971 providing background to year past
- Note to 'Dear Margret', dated 22 May 2001? from Sigga, with small photo cutting and grasses
- Mounted postage stamp (souvenir from Arbaer) with signed Christmas Greetings
- Mounted coloured drawing of the Icelandic arms
- Printed matter relating to a 'cheque claim' scheme/scam
Material about Kristin S. Olafsson, and others
- Book-mark in memory of Ragnar Olafsson 1906-1982, 100th anniversary of birth
- Copy of article from 'Morgunbladid' 2 May 2006 on the occasion of Ragnar Olafsson's Aldarminning
- Memorial service for Kristin S. Olafsson 1905-1995
- Copy of letter from Reykjavik 20 April 1995, to 'Dear Charles and Margaret', telling of the death of 'our dear mother' - Kristin S. Olafsson - and enclosing copies of local newspaper articles
- Colour photograph of two people, dated in left corner 30 November 1997
- Clipping from newspaper 'Morgunbladid' (undated) showing photograph of Halldor Gudmundsson and Audur Jonsdottir with note mentioning that 'Halldor wrote a biography on Laxness'
- Newspaper article, 'Morgunbladid', Sunday 30 January 2005, about the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kristin S. Henriksdottir Olafsson (1905-1995)
Dillon's Papers
- TS sheet explaining the background to the Rt. Hon Viscount Arthur Dillon, and of the 'playwright' Larus Sigurbjornsson (b. 1903)
- Bound copies entitled 'Dillon's Papers' Series N.1
- Bound copies entitled 'Dillon's Papers' Series N.2
- Bound copies entitled 'Dillon's Papers' Series N.3
Material on Surtsey and etc
- Printed item, 'Surtsey genesis' from the Icelandic Institute of Natural History Exhibition in the Culture House
- 3 x photographs, Surtsey and Surtlingur, dated 7 July 1965
- Newspaper article on Dr. Jon Gunnar Ottosson and Icelandic natural history from 'Morgunbladid', Saturday 24 December 1983
- 7 x postcards showing the Icelandic open-air museum, 'Arbaer'
Articles and off-prints and other material on the sagas
- MS notes relating to sagas
- 1 x copy 24-27pp. from 'Lesbok Morgunbladsins' - 'Passiusalmarnir a ensku'
- 1 x copy Bokasafnsfraedi. Namstilhogun og lestrarefni. 2 utg. Haskolabokasafn (University Library) 1970
- 1 x card from Einar, Haskolabokasafn (University Library), to 'Charles' 20 December 1974, along with 195-221pp. 'Aefingar'
- Title page of 'The Icelandic Canadian' Vol.40. No.4. Winnipeg, Canada. Summer 1982
- Typescript 7pp of a translation from 'Morgunbladid' Sunday 23 May 1993, 'Precious years - Audur Laxness speaks about her trip to Paris and Rouen and her memories from her life with Halldor Laxness
- 1 x copy of pamphlet from Gljufrasteinn, Laxness Museum
Icelandic newspapers and clippings
- Various
Administrative / Biographical History
Charles F. Scott had been a teacher and trained as a librarian and was, for a time, an Assistant Librarian at Senate House at the University of London, and Deputy Librarian at the University of Exeter. He held a close connection with the Librarian at the National Library of Iceland in Reykjavik and collaborated on work with Icelandic libraries. Latterly he lived in Newport-on-Tay, Fife.
Charles F. Scott died on 10 March 2013.
Access Information
Open to bona fide researchers, but please contact repository for details in advance.
Acquisition Information
Material acquired November 2013. Accession no: E2013.68.
Archivist's Note
Catalogued by Graeme D. Eddie 14 November 2013
Related Material
Charles F. Scott also bequeathed to Edinburgh University Library a number of book/journal items which have been catalogued individually into the Special Collections stock (Accession type RBP and Accession no: 2013.91).
Personal Names
Geographical Names