RBGE Plant Labels
- Reference:GB 235 HDE
- Dates of Creation:1900 - 1970
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:7 labels in a small white box.
Scope and Content
Plant labels found by members of the RBGE Horticulture Department and transferred to the Archives:
1: Magnolia acuminata, United States - found to the east of the copse, RBGE; a label intended to hang from the tree, this type of label had the impressed letters painted white by hand, then the entire label was hand painted black - would have been surrounded by a metal holder which has since decomposed - probably dates to around 1940?
2: Ilex laevigata; a temporary label found during excavations for the new Alpine House, 2012 - small label attached to wire which would have been pushed into the ground - probably dates to c.1960?
3: Viburnum dilatatum, c.1960? - temporary label from new Alpine House area.
4: Viburnum farreri - 'layers' - found in Nursery, troughs area - used when 'layering' viburnum - obtaining shoots from roots or branches.
5: Alpinia calcarata
6: Rhododendron hodgsonii
7: LA47Access Information
Collection is open to researchers by appointment, see (right click, open link in new tab:) https://www.rbge.org.uk/science-and-conservation/library-and-archives/visiting-the-library/
Acquisition Information
RBGE Horticulture Department
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
Conditions Governing Use
Permission required from RBGE.
Custodial History
Labels 1-4 were found by Horticulturist S. Ainslie who transferred them to the RBGE Archives in September 2013.
The box is added to as more labels are found and transferred.
Additional Information
GB 235