Papers of David Flint, 1919-, Professor of Accountancy and Vice-Principal, University of Glasgow, Scotland
- Reference:GB 248 DC 187
- Dates of Creation:1967-1981
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:0.42 metres
Scope and Content
The papers in this collection all relate to the work Professor Flint had undertaken in preparing an official report about Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd for the officiail liquidator, Sir Robert C Smith.
- Reports on Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd, 1971-1977;
- Correspondence relating to Prof Flint's investigations and reports, 1973-1981;
- Prof Flint's working papers, 1971-1973;
- Annual report and accounts for Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd, 1968-1971;
- Monthly accounts of Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd, 1969-1971;
- Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd corporate plan by P E Consulting Group Ltd, 1969;
- Reports by Official Liquidator on Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd (in liquidation), 1971-1977;
- Report on Yarrow (Shipbuilders) Ltd by Thomson McLintock & Co, Chartered Accountants, and James Fraser & Sons, Chartered Accountants, 1970;
- Statement of affairs of Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd, 1971;
- Memorandum and Articles of Association of Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd, 1968;
- Extracts of Directors meeting minutes of Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd, 1967-1971;
- Agreements between the Shipbuilding Industry Board and Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd and Yarrow (Shipbuilders) Ltd, 1968-1970;
- Parliamentary papers, 1967-1971.
Administrative / Biographical History
David Flint was born in Glasgow in 1919 , and attended the High School of Glasgow. He studied at the University of Glasgow from 1935-1939 and graduated Master of Arts in 1939 and Bachelor of Law in 1942 . Flint served as a Major in the Royal Corps of Signals during the Second World War, when he was mentioned in despatches.
He became a partner in the accountancy firm Mann Judd Gordon & Co, and lectured part-time at the University of Glasgow from 1950 to 1960. Flint was Johnstone Smith Professor of Accountancy from 1964 and was appointed to a new Chair of Accountancy in 1975, which he held for ten years. He was Dean of the Faculty of Law, 1971 to 1973, Vice-Principal from 1981 to 1985, and awarded the honorary degree DUniv in 2001.
Among many other offices, Flint held those of Chairman of the AUTA (now the British Accounting Association) in 1969; President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland, 1975 to 1976; membership of the Commission for Local Authority Accounts in Scotland, 1978 to 1980, and the presidency of the European Accounting Association from 1983 to 1984.
Arranged chronologically within record series.
Access Information
Acquisition Information
Other Finding Aids
Digital file level list available in the searchroom and by request.
Alternative Form Available
No known copies
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
None which affect the use of this material
Conditions Governing Use
Applications for permission to quote should be sent to the Archivist.
Reproduction subject to usual conditions: educational use and condition of documents.
Appraisal Information
This material has been appraised in line with standard GB 0248 procedures. The collection is likely to remain unaltered.
Custodial History
None expected.
Related Material
- See also Glasgow University Archive Services source list on Ship Building, Ship Repair and Allied Industries;
- GB 0248 DC 065 Hay and Woolfson Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ephemera collection;
- GB 0248 DC 455 Papers of James Reid, 1932-2010, Rector and Scottish trade union official, University Of Glasgow, Scotland;
- GB 0248 UGD 180 Transcripts and reel to reel tape recordings of media reports of the UCS 'work-in', Glasgow, Scotland ;
- GB 0248 UGD 181 Records of Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Shop Stewards Committee, Govan, Glasgow, Scotland;
- GB 0248 UGD 348 and GB 0248 UCS 001 Records of Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd;
- GB 0248 UGD 349 and GB 0248 UCS 003 Records of Upper Clyde Shipbuilders Ltd;
- GB 0248 ACCN 0989 Upper Clyde Shipbuilders liquidation material;
- GB 0248 ACCN 3613 and GB 0248 ACCN 3629 Papers of Sir Robert Smith, 1928-, chartered accountant and official Upper Clyde Shipbuilders liquidator, Glasgow, Scotland;
- GB 0243 UCS 002 Records of Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engineering Co Ltd, 1801-1969 (Glasgow City Archives)
- See also The National Archives
- For contact details of all repositories with a GB code, see the ARCHON repository search page
Location of Originals
This material is original
No known publications using this material.
Additional Information
Description compiled in line with the following international standards: International Council on Archives, ISAD(G) Second Edition, September 1999and National Council on Archives, Rules for the construction of personal, place and corporate names
Scotland is the location of all place names in the administrative/biographical history element, unless otherwise stated.
Fonds level description compiled by Andrew Thomson, Hub Project Archivist, 22 October 2004. Lower levels converted to Encoded Archival Description by Michael Beesley, Archive Assistant, July 2013.
Personal Names
Corporate Names
Geographical Names