Material relating to the Mclaren family between 1847 and 1937
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-1588
- Dates of Creation:1833-1955
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
The collection is composed of:
- 1 x file of McLaren family birth certificates, 1833-1876
- 1 x file of legal documents pertaining to Samuel McLaren and Duncan McLaren and in relation to their Estates and residues, being: 1 x ms copy of the Trust Disposition and Deed of Settlement of the deceased Duncan McLaren, senior, 1 March 1860; 2 x copies of Form No.3 Legacy Duty on Residues of Personal Estate, of Duncan McLaren, dated 2 March 1860, copies differ; 1 x ms Inventory of the Personal Estate of the late Duncan McLaren, 16 March 1860; 1 x ms Account of the Executor of the deceased Mr S[amuel]. MacLaren, 1863; and 1 x Summons of Duncan McLaren against Mrs Catherine McLaren, or Carmichael, 10 May 1864
- 1 x 'parchment' document issued by the Scotch Education Department. Teacher's Certificate of the Second Class. December 1894 to February 1899, certifying Christina McLaren
- 1 x certificate, awarded by Department of Science and Art. Elementary Drawing Certificate. First Class. 20 March 1896. Christina McLaren
- 1 x file various McLaren documents, being: 1 x Gaelic language document, Samuel Mac Laurainn; 1 x certificate, Scotch Education Department, awarded to Christina McLaren, 1898, for freehand drawing; 1 x certificate of membership of the Educational Institute of Scotland, certifying Christina McLaren, 1899; 1 x copy of Civil Service Employees' Economic Association, shares subscription list, 1899; 1 x notification of recorded service, 2pp, Superannuation Scheme for Teachers, with schools for period 1891-1923, Christina McLaren; 2 x letters relating to award of Imperial Service Medal to Alexander McLaren for service with the Post Office, October 1928; 3 x letters relating to the retirement of Alexander McLaren, 7 June 1928, 22 July 1928 from William David, and 24 October 1928 from Union of Post-Office Workers; 3 x receipts between P. McLaren and the Geological Society, 1928-1930; 1 x circular from Union of Post Office Workers, Glasgow, recording death of Alexander McLaren; 1 x receipt for £38/9/- being payment for funeral of McLaren, October 1930; 1 x notice about rates for dressing of lairs, Western Necropolis, Glasgow; 1 x receipt for monument, Western Necropolis, May 1931; 1 x circular, Glasgow Special Schools After-Care Association, 1931; 1 x undated newspaper clipping relating to Plantation Ward Election fought unsuccessfully by Alexander McLaren, undated
- 1 x file share and properties material, re:Peter McLaren, being: Printed matter, or report [1929], Polaris Gold Mines of Canada; 1 x ms engineer's report to 'Dear Mr Wessels', dated 20 March 1934; 1 x confirmation, and receipt for fees, dated 5th and 6th March 1936; 1 x pencil drawn map of mining concessions
- 1 x file correspondence and papers relating to the affairs and executory of Peter McLaren, being: 1 x ts letter dated 7 September 1937 to 'Dear Miss MacLaren' from Finlayson, Auld, Mackechnie and Co., Writers; 1 x ts letter dated 19 January 1938 to 'Dear Miss MacLaren' from Finlayson, Auld, Mackechnie and Co., Writers; 1 x ts letter dated 21 January 1938 to 'Mr John Forrest' from 'The Northern Miner', Toronto, regarding various mining companies; 1 x ts letter dated 10 March 1938 to 'Dear Miss MacLaren' from Finlayson, Auld, Mackechnie and Co., Writers; 1 x ts circular letter dated 13 June 1939 from A. M. Mackinnon and Co., Toronto; 1 x circular letter, dated 9 August 1939, from Stockology; 2 x copies of List of Share Certificates belonging to the late Mr Peter McLaren and his Executrix; Printed matter relating to Rose Gold Mining Co. Ltd; 1 x map of Porcupine Gold Area;
- 1 x part box of unsorted legal and other papers - receipts, accounts, notebooks - largely relating to Duncan McLaren
Administrative / Biographical History
Duncan McLaren, a farmer, and Margaret McLaren were married on 18 December 1860, at Ardonaig, Killin. Duncan Mclaren was probably the son of the elder Duncan McLaren (died 14 January 1860) and Margaret McIntyre, and born on 20 July 1833, and baptised 10 August 1833. They lived in Derry, Comrie, in Perthshire and had a large family. Peter was born 28 November 1862, Catherine was born on 9 November 1864, John was born on 28 July 1866, Alexander was born on 8 June 1868, Colin was born on 29 October 1870, Christian (Christina) was born on 5 January 1873, and Margaret was born on 12 January 1876.
Alexander Mclaren died in 1930. Christina McLaren died circa 1951. Catherine McLaren (Mrs Scott) had a daughter, Margaret Campbell Scott.
Access Information
Open to bona fide researchers, but please contact repository for details in advance of visit.
Acquisition Information
Departmental transfer from Mr M. D. Cornish, former Dep. Sec'y, Old College, to Arnott Wilson, University Archivist, 1997. Accession no: E2014.78.
Archivist's Note
Catalogued by Graeme D. Eddie 23 April 2015
Related Material
This material, probably gathered together from within the McLaren family, had been in the hands of Christina McLaren prior to its being bequeathed to Margaret Campbell Scott, niece. Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections, also has a collection of 'Correspondence and Diplomas/Certificates of Margaret Campbell Scott (fl. 1927-1960 )', Coll-1570, some relating to the bequest.