Collection of inserts - letters, notes, printed items - found in titles in the library of F. A. E. Crew
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-1791
- Dates of Creation:1950-1970
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:0.05 linear metres
Scope and Content
Collection of inserts - letters, notes, printed items - found in titles in the library of F. A. E. Crew, and these are (with shelfmark references to the monograph in which he item was inserted):
Compliments slip, Jonathan Cape, Publisher - Crew. 39
News clippping, Daily Telegraph 23 May 1954? 'Twin chicks hatched. First in Britain' - Crew. 56
Letter, ts, 16 March 1970, from Roland Grant, William Heineman Ltd., Publishers, about sending of advance copy of 'The vocabulary of science' by Lancelot Hogben - Crew. 61
3 x reviews, cuttings from: Observer Review 26 April 1970, 'Benighted attitudes' by Arthur Koestler, on work by Gerald Leach; The Listener 30 April 1970, 'Liaisons with Levi-Strauss - Godfrey Lienhardt writes about two new books by Edmund Leach; and [untitled], 'Controlling the Life Technologies', Antony Flew - Crew. 63
Numerous copies of reviews of Sex determination from different journals, and 1 x letter, ts, 11 January 1967, from Prof. Dr. Warwick Estevam Kerr - Crew. 108
Aims of H. G. Wells Society - Crew. 116
Review of Biology and ethics in [untitled] journal,A. P. Thomson - Crew. 119
Numerous reviews on a work about J. B. S. Haldane, including reviews by C. P. Snow, and by Malcolm Muggeridge, along with biography of Haldane by M. J. D. White - Crew. 136
Letter, ms, 26 January 1969, from [signature unclear], Cluny Drive, Edinburgh - Crew. 137
Selection of poultry feathers, and poultry feathers in illustration from American Poultry Journal Vol.61, No.11., November 1930, and article on 'Old English game' from Poultry World, 18 January 1973 - Crew. 138
Article from Poultry World, 5 December 1968, p.103, 'Standard breeding. Autosexing breeds', by H. Easton Smith - Crew. 167
2 x letters, ms, 15 June 1957, from Dick Ellis, and ts, 10 may 1966, from J. A. Gibson, J. & A. Churchill Ltd., Publishers, re: Ellis' Child Health and Development - Crew. 168
2 x cuttings, one from BMJ 21 September 1968, review of Elements of medical genetics Alan E. H. Emery, and another on 'rare breeds' from title [unknown] - Crew. 174
Notice of death of Bohumil Němec, died 7 April 1966 - Crew. 224
Cutting from The Lancet 8 November 1969, pp.991-992, 'Annotations' - Crew. 255
Letter, ts, 30 January 1970, from Dr. Milan Jakubíček - Crew. 263
Compliments slip, Longman, Publisher - Crew. 266
Compliments slip, British Egg Marketing Board - Crew. 267
Letter, ts, 9 February 1967, from C. M. Hann - Crew. 268
Compliments slip, Pergamon Press - Crew. 276Access Information
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