Box 32 Miscellaneous
- Reference:GB 254 MS 121/32
- Dates of Creation:1933-1946
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
Miscellaneous - was numbered 215 (missing) 216, 217, 218, 219, and 221, 223, 226. Publications - Water and Water Engineering; a list of Hydrology Published Papers and Records by Capt. W.N. McClean, Director of 'River Flow Records'; British Association for the Advancement of Science, Inland Water Survey in the British Isles; Inland Water Survey, 1934 - 1937; The Government and Inland Water Survey; The Institution of Water Engineers, Presidential Address of John Bowman, 1939, An Analysis of Scottish Rainfall Records, Exhibit of 'Flow-Gauging' Apparatus, winter meeting, 4th Dec. 1953, Water Level, Flow Gauging and Meteorological Stations, and their Graphical Records, as the basis of Water Survey on River Systems, 1937, Graphical Record of Rainfall on the Thames Basin, 1950, Rainfall and Flow-off, River Garry, Inverness-shire, The Water Resources of Loch Quoich, 1943, Practical River Flow Measurement and it's place in Inland Water Survey, as Exemplified on the Ness (Scotland) Basin, 1933; Municipal Engineering, 'River Flow Records'; Association Internationale D'Hydrologie, The Influence of Ice and Snow on River Flows as Indicated by Records of Temperature Combined with Records of Discharge, Capt. W.N. McClean, includes other bound material from the same event; Metropolitan Water Board, Thirty-First and Thirty-Second Annual Reports, 1934-1935; Reprint from The Scotsman, Caledonian Power Scheme, 1936; Reprinted from The Engineer, The Shannon Hydro-Electric Power Scheme Inland Water Survey Committee, Memorandum on the Water Survey of a River System; The Observatory, a monthly review of Astronomy, October 1940; 9 copies of a Review of Water Resources and Supplies, Joint Committee of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, Session 1935-1936; Land Drainage Act, 1930; London County Council, Main Drainage of London, 1912; Ordinance Survey of Great Britain, including a list of derelict canals. Lists of recipients - Fifteen years record, River Garry (8 years to Sept. 30th 1944), published Sept. 28th 1945; Fifteen years record, River Lochy, daily record of nine years to Sept. 1944, monthly summary of fifteen years. Flood statistics and forecast etc, published May 1945; Fifteen years record, River Ness, seven years to Sept. 1944 and summary of fifteen years, published May 1945; Fifteen years record, River Moriston, four years to Sept. 1944 and summary of fifteen years, published July 1945; Fifteen years record, River Dee (Aberdeen), daily flow tables, British Museum and Recipients list receipt, published Dec. 1946. Stage discharge tables and river flow records - Garry, Moriston, Dee and Mucomir Cut, 1933-1937; River Flow Records, 1936-1948. McClean's publications - A note on the work of River Flow Records, August 1936; River flow records: River Dee - Aberdeenshire - 528 sq. miles; Memorandum on Low Flows - Ness Basin, January 1936; River Flow in Great Britain, 1946; Hydro-Electric Development in Scotland and the need for Inland Water Survey, 1943; The Records of River Flow on the Ness and Lochy Basins of the Great Glen, 1940; Windermere Basin: Rainfall, Run-off and Storage.
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