Box 33 Miscellaneous
- Reference:GB 254 MS 121/33
- Dates of Creation:1906-1940
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
Miscellaneous - was numbered: 227, 230 - Reports, 232 - Publications, 234 - River flows misc, 235 - Caledonian power 1936 Caledonian Power Scheme - Petition against by the Burgh of Inverness, 5th February 1936; New water level - Dochfour Weir; Data concerning power water as ins. on Ness area, reservoir capacities, Ness area - run-off, 1935 (from daily aggregate tables), run-off of 1935 for the separate areas; Maintenance of the River Ness Flows, 31st March 1936; River Flow Records: Power Water as Inches on Ness Area, February 1937; Ness Area: Power water requirements shown on Ness Aggregate Diagram, 1935; a Memorandum from C.S. Meik and Halcrow, Chartered Civil Engineer, Victoria Street, Westminster, to Captain W.N. McClean, enclosing diagrams Nos. 5233, 5234, 5235 and 5236 giving the storage capacities of the reservoirs at Lochs Quoich, Garry, Loyne and Cluanie, respectively; Notes concerning Dochgarroch lock gauges, February - November, 1930; A rough diagram indicating the actual discharge or run-off/the excess or deficiency of the River Garry from any named data; Listed data concerning run-off, to September 16th 1930 - September 10th 1935, for Rivers Ness, Moriston and Garry; Data concerning Loch Quoich power station, including initial data, reservoir data (fundamental and derived), Quoich Controlled Supply and Power derived from Garry Dry Periods Record and Quoich Balanced Supply and Power; A letter to McClean from C.S. Meik and Halcrow, received 21st December 1936, thanking them for a letter enclosing proof diagram of the records of the River Ness and reconfirming that the British Oxygen Company will not agree to support McClean in the River Flow Records until 'the Bill' is passed, and it would not be useful for him to see Mr Sprott, 16th December, 1936; A letter to W.T. Halcrow, Esq. M. Inst. C. E. from McClean, with reference to Mr Wilson's letter of the 22nd January and the hand map, figures of rainfall and flow received from them, four tables are enclosed - Catchment Areas, Average Annual Rainfall and Yield, Ness Area, Annual Averages, Yield During Dry Periods and 'the resultant outflow and level at Dochfour', all dated 6th February 1936, letter also dated 6th February 1936; A table of data concerning the Run-off of the River Ness and its two Principal Tributaries expressed as a Percentage Rate of the Normal; Tables of data concerning the River Garry, Driest Periods, Run-off, Inches, 22nd January 1936 and Driest Period Run-off Rate as a Percentage of the Average Annual, 23rd January 1936; Bundle of papers - Caledonian Power, River Ness, Daily Table Showing the Flow of the Ness under the Scheme, 1935; Bundle of papers - Data detailing Comparative Run-off from the Controlled and Areas of the Ness Basin for January 1st to December 31st, 1935; Set of tables relating to run-off, power water, storage and overflow for a five-day period for Quoich, Garry, Ness, Loch Loyne and Loch Cluanie areas respectively, 1935; Bundle of papers relating to analysis of run-off and reservoir capacities for Loch's Quoich, Garry, Loyne and Cluanie and Moriston, 1935. Papers dated February, 1937; Document - The Daily Flows of the River Ness during the year, 1935, showing the Different Daily Flows which would occur under the Scheme; Bundle of rough diagrams and notes, including an Aggregate Diagram of the Ness and further 1935 records; Set of tables showing Ness area flow-off, Average yield (under scheme) and Garry Reservoir capacity, 1935; 2 bundles of notes and papers relating to flow and run-off in the Ness area, includes a table of Run-off taken as 18.7% of Ness Basin Run-off and some blank tables, 1935; A table showing data for A Comparison of the Run-off of the River Ness and it's two Principle Tributaries during the period May 10 1931 to September 10 1935, Abstracted from the Published Records; A list of Flows at Power Stations, 1937; A table of Run-off expressed as Inches on an Area, 1929-1935; River Garry, Estimates of Necessary Storage for Uniform Draw-Off , 22nd October, 1935; Bundle of notes relating to annual rainfall averages from C.S.M. and H's map dated 14/1/36; Handwritten outline of the Caledonian Power Scheme; Tables relating to Run-Off for the Separate Areas and Analysis of Run-off, 1935; Document relating to The Daily Flows of the River Ness during the year, 1936, showing the different daily flows which would occur under the scheme; River flow records - River Garry (Inverness-shire) and a general table, based on River Garry figures, possibly applicable to Rivers Garry, Moriston, etc. (Inverness-shire), January, 1936; Data relating to Rainfall and Run-Off at Laggan Bridge Flow Station, years Apr. 1935 to Sept. 1941; A Record of Low Water Levels during 1939 and 1940, July 5 1940; A folder of notes, tables, diagrams and calculations relating to rainfall, c1930- 1940, a further folder contains data specific to Laggan Bridge; A folder marked 'misc', includes data, correspondence and inland water surveys, c1930-1945; Document detailing the publications sent and money received from Ness Fishery Board (Messrs. Anderson, Shaw and Gilbert), Inverness Town Council and Moray Firth Salmon Fisheries Co. Ltd., February 9, 1940; Diagram of the Ness Catchment Area, 700 Sq. Miles, Rainfall Contours in inches, September 6, 1932; 2 editions of the River Flow Records for the River Dee, Aberdeenshire, 1934-1935; 3 editions of the River Flow Records for the River Moriston, Ness Basin, 1929-1931; 3 editions of the River Flow Records for the River Garry, Ness Basin, 1929-1931; Publications - Ness basin, Memorandum on Low Flows by Capt. W.N. McClean, January 1936; A list - Hydrology: Published Papers and Records by Capt. W.N. McClean, Director of 'River Flow Records', June 1938; Notes on the Flow-Gauging Apparatus of 'River Flow Records' by W.N McClean, July 1940; A copy of The Geographical Journal, with the paper; National Inland Water Survey, by Brysson Cunningham, highlighted in its table of contents; 2 copies of Rainfall in the Southern Pennines, being the Organ of the Manchester and Stockport Rainfall Organisation, Nos. 18-19, Annual Summary 1927-1928; A copy of Floating Docks by Lyonel Edwin Clark, 1905; A bundle of pamphlets relating to rainfall, lakes and reservoirs, includes information concerning East African lakes and the Reservoirs (Safety Provisions) Act, 1930; 2 copies of the Meteorological Magazine, No. 832, May 1935, Vol 70; 2 copies of River Flow in Great Britain, March 30, 1946; Hydro Electric Development in Scotland and the Need for Inland Water Survey by W.N. McClean, March 1943; 1 double-page spread from the Evening Standard, Wednesday May 9, 1934, concerning the Lochaber Water Power Scheme. Transcript of the opening of discussion of River Flow by Capt. W. L. McClean, invited by the Geophysical Section of the Royal Astronomical Society, May 24, 1940; Bundle of notes and correspondence relating to a Geophysical Discussion (River Flow, as above) held at the Royal Astronomical Society, Burlington House, London on the 24th of May, 1940, includes an invitation to said event and a list of invitations. Road Map of Washington and Vicinity, United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey, 1938; An envelope marked 'Windermere Paper June 1940', from the Royal Meteorological Society, 49 Cromwell, London, S.W.7. Hand-written notes related to glens; Notes and calculations related to Loch Pattack and Glenshow? Note to Capt. McClean from Lochaber, dated 1/11/41, apologising for the delay of a previous letter, which was returned; A note to Capt. McClean from the Royal Meteorological Society enclosing communication from Mr Hudleston, which they feel should have been included in McClean's discussion of his paper on the Windermere basin, July 19th 1940. McClean responds in further correspondence, particularly in relation to Mr Hudleston's comments regarding averages of the gauge percentals, the stage flow table, gauges on the Troutbeck area and on ungauged mountains, July 22, 1940; Reports - Envelope sent from the University of Nevada Agricultural Experiment Station, includes the Annual Reports of Permanent Research Committees for 1938-1939 (Hydrology), Swiss Snow and Avalanche Research (Winter 1936/37), the International Association of Scientific Hydrology News Letter of Commission of Snow and Glaciers, June 1 1940, and an obituary for Dr William Bowie, President of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics; Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Fishery Investigations, Series II. Vol. XI. No.1, 1928. Part I, Methods employed, with a Preliminary Survey of the Results, by J.N. Carruthers, D.Sc.; State of Victoria Rivers and Water Supply Commission, River Gaugings. A Complete Compilation of Results from the Commencement of the Work to the End of the Year, 1905. Prepared under the direction of Stuart Murray, M. Inst. C.E; 2 compilations of results from the State of Victoria State Rivers and Water Supply Commission regarding River Gaugings, 1st January 1913 - 31st December 1924; The First Report (Volume I, Part I) of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into and to report on The Canals and Inland Navigations of the United Kingdom, 1906; 2 copies of The Records of River Flow on the Ness and Lochy Basins of the Great Glen, An Interim Report by Capt. W.N. McClean, May 1940;
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