Box 24 River Dee
- Reference:GB 254 MS 121/24
- Dates of Creation:1934-1944
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
133,134,135,136,137,138,139,141,143 River Dee:27 large folders and 1 small folder contains water flow from 1934 - 1938. 4 binders: Field Sheets Aug - Nov 193; Field sheets tests Sept - Nov 1934; Field sheets sinker gear Aug - Dec 1934; Field sheets 1937 - 1938. Publications: A Note on the Work of River Flow Record 1936; Fifteen Years Record of Woodend and Cairnton Oct 1929 - Sept 1944; Hydrological Conditions in The Chalk at Compton, West Sussex with handwritten letter; Aberdeen Meeting Programme and Daily Time-Table 1934; Telford Centenary Exhibtiton 1934; A Scientific Survey of Aberdeen and District 1934; Aberdeen Meeting 1934 Plan of Aberdeen; Aberdeen Meeting 1934 Map of The Region; The Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce Journal No. IV. Vol XV July 1934; Memorandum No. 2 on the River Dee Feb 1935; River Flow Records Memorandum 1935. 3 postcards and a copy of a small photograph of a river. 1 letter address to McClean from G.E Dunstone regarding employment. Typed Written contribution to the discussion by McClean. 3 Typed letter Glassel, Aberdeenshire and 2 typed letters to W.J.M. Menzies and Mr Wood 1932. 2 bundles of stages discharge tables drafts. Loose paper of handwritten notes and charts and inland water surveys. Bundles of small and large charts wheels with attached typed letters. Typed manuscripts of British Association Aberdeen Meeting 1934 Flow of the River Dee wrapped in brown paper
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Archivist's Note
Description compiled by the Archivist
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