Archaeology papers collection
- Reference:GB 1798 ARCHAEOLOGY
- Dates of Creation:1872 - 2018
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:Approx. 150 items
Scope and Content
Material pertaining to archaeological sites and excavations. Mull has great archaeological riches and the Museum celebrates this in a variety of exhibitions from the Mesolithic through to the early historic period. Iron age forts abound on Mull and there are crannogs and castles (ruined or otherwise) of the medieval period and later. A photographic record of standing stones compiled by Dr Bill Clegg is available in the exhibition and the archaeologist’s report by Jo Wright on the Baliscate stones is in the Museum library I-H.1 and 2. Standing stones at Ardnacross and Glengorm have also been the subject of excavation. Much of the material pertaining to the excavation of an early Christian chapel at Baliscate may be found in ARCHAEOLOGY 02 and a publication “Baliscate . . . 2010-2014” describes this community project. A brief general guide to Mull’s archaeology is “Mull: Monuments and History” which has useful maps of all sites, based on those listed in RCHAMS volume “Argyll 3”
Access Information
Open; please contact the archive to make an appointment
Geographical Names