Papers of Margaret Melville Rae Martin MB ChB Edin., (1941-2005)
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-1541
- Dates of Creation:1941-2001
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 box
Scope and Content
- 3 x newspaper cuttings of Dr. Russell D. Martin on his wedding to Dr. Margaret Thomas
- 2 x photographs showing an elderly couple, and a house
- 1 x Birth Certificate, Margaret Melville Rae Martin
- 1 x Abbreviated Certificate of Birth, Margaret Melville Rae Martin
- 1 x autograph book with autograph signatures, 1953-1955
- 1 x certificate of attestation, Scottish Universities Entrance Board, qualifications accepted, 25 October 1958
- 1 x ts letter from Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (University of Edinburgh) concerning bursary awarded to Martin, 9 september 1960
- 1 x copy 'University of Edinburgh. Medical Faculty. Final Year Book 1965', with Rae Martin on p.34
- 1 x ts letter from Grenfell Association of GB and Ireland concerning appointment of Martin as part-Volunteer Docotor in Labrador, 9 July 1965
- 1 x group portrait R.I.E. - Winter 1966 - by E. R. Yerbury and Son, Edinburgh, with Martin seated front row, fifth from left
- 4 x items relating to membership of the Medical and Dental Defence Union, referring to application July 1965 to October 1966
- 1 x ts letter from Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology attesting to service of Dr. Martin during 1967 and 1968, dated 2 January 1968
- 1 x ts letter from the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and Associated Hospitals offer Dr. Martin a whole-time appointment as Senior House Officer, 9 January 1968
- 1 x ts letter from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists informing that Dr. Martin that she has been awarded the Diploma in Obstetrics of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1 April 1968
- 1 x ts letter from the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, certifying that Dr. Martin held the post of Senior House Officer, 1968-69, dated 13 May 1970
- 1 x ts letter from Bangour General Hospital certifying that Dr. Martin was employed as a House Surgeon, 1966, dated 8 June 1970
- 1 x ts letter from Edinburgh Northern Hospital Group confirming that Dr. Martin was employed as a Pre-registration House Physician, 1965-66, dated 8 June 1970
- 1 x ts letter from the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Edinburgh, certifying that Dr. Martin held the post of House Officer and Senior House Officer for 12 months from 1 June 1967, dated 11 June 1970
- 1 x ts letter from Glasgow Royal Maternity Hospital, certifying that Dr. Martin held the appointment of Resident Registrar from 1969-1970, dated 22 June 1970
- 1 x ts letter from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, confirming candidacy of Dr. Martin for examination, dated 5 October 1970
- 1 x ts letter from Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia certifying that Dr. Martin had served for two years and four months, dated 9 June 1976
- 3 x photographs, one dated on rear, 1976
- 1 x invitation from the British Ambassador and Mrs Derek Day requesting the company of Dr. R. Martin on Saturday 22 May
- 1 x copy, printed matter, 'Clinical report of the St. Paul's Hospital Maternity Department, Addis Ababa ... 1973 and 1974'
- 4 x copies (ms and ts) of Curriculum Vitae to circa 1977
- 1 x photograph, female figure (Martin) with baby, baptism 17 June 1979
- 3 x UK passports issued to Martin during her life
- 1 x address-book
- 1 x ts list of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists mentors, including Dr. Martin
- 1 x ts contacts list, including Dr. Martin
- 1 x Diploma. Admitted as Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 5 June 1985
- 1 x greetings card 1989, Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland, with ms note on envelope that Dr. Martin 'was in First Intake'
- 1 x newspaper cutting with article/photograph showing cutting of retiral cake [1992] at Newmarket Hospital
- 1 folder of correspondence covering the period 1955-2001: ts letter from Rector, Royal Academy, Inverness, to Martin on how her 'eyes are improving', dated 11 March 1955; ts letter from Rector, Royal Academy, Inverness, to Martin as 'a wee note to cheer you', dated 28 March 1955; ts letter to 'Dear Rae', from 'Darren', New Eltham, London, dated 28 March 1955; ts letter to 'Dear Rae', from 'Darren', New Eltham, London, dated 23 May 1955; ms letter to 'Dear both' from 'Rae Martin' after spending previous September in Poland, and before finals later in the year, dated 9 January [1965]; ms letter to 'My Dear Rae' from 'Uncle Ginger', dated 26 June 1965; ms letter to 'Dear Rae' from 'Wit' (Wit M. Rzepecki), dated 13 February 1986; and letter to 'Dear Rae' from 'Bill', Newcastle, referring to 'the presidency', dated 2 June [20]01
- 1 x folder material relating to applications for jobs, and correspondence thereto, in addition to later correspondence regarding membership of professional bodies, 1969-2005: 2 x copies ts 'Application for the Post of ... in the ...', one directed to Aberdeen General Hospitals for the post of Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology; various copies of birth certificate, University degree, certificate of GMC medical registration; certificate of admittance to RCSE, certificate of membership of the RCOG, for use in applications; ts letter of application by Dr. Martin to the South-Eastern Regional Hospital Board, Edinburgh, for the post of Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, dated 18 March 1969; 2 x letters with curriculum vitae from Dr. Martin to the South-Eastern Regional Hospital Board, Edinburgh, for the post of Registrar in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, one leter referring to ad' in the 'BMJ' and the other to the ad' in 'The Lancet' and for the post at the Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion, 23 May 1969 and 6 June 1969; ts letter from Dr. M. S. Rao, Honorary Public Affairs Secretary, BMA, to 'Dear Miss Foukas' re: Dr. Martin, about a proposed Association Medal dated 19 January 2005; and letter from the BMA to Dr. Martin on her election to Fellow of the Association, dated 15 March 2005
- 1 x folder of material relating to the period spent by Dr. Martin in Ethiopia and which includes: an Ethiopian identity card; a programme for graduation ceremonial, St. Paul's School of Nursing; copy of ms letter to 'Dear Both' dated Addis ababa 28 April 1974; copy of ms diary/letter of holiday in Rhodesia and Kenya, October 1974; continuation ms diary/letter dated Wednesday 16 October 1974; ts diary/letter dated Addis Ababa 22 February 1976; 1 x copy of 'The Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital'; 3 x copies of printed matter, charitable gifts to Fistula Hospital; 1 x copy printed matter, gift to Ehiopiaid; 1 x copy of off-print 'Duhem and the origins of statics'; and, copy of 'Survival of the weakest'
- 1 x folder of material relating to Wills - Alan D. Martin, and Dr. Martin's father - and to her grandmother's career, being: 1 x Will of Alan Dickson Martin, dated 1 April 1986; copy of letter dated 11 September 1989, from The Library, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, to Mr. Colin M. Martin, concerning Dr. E. W. Dickson and her 'travelling scholarship', along with material relating to Dickson's qualifications and copies of articles about her; ts letter from Turcan Connell WS to Dr. Martin regarding her 'Father's Executry', dated 14 April 1998 together with copies of Will and codicils
- 1 x folder of material relating to Will of Dr. Martin, and material relating to property purrchase, being: assorted notes from or to Turcan Connell WS including about a telephone, and contents insurance, and flat at Fountainhall Court; telephone bill; fax concerning borrowied amount for purchase of flat at Fountainhall Court; fax concerning conclusion of contract over flat at Fountainhall Court; fax concerning common maintenance bill; ts letter from Turcan Connell concerning Bond, dated 9 October 1998; Tods Murray WS particulars of sale of flat at Fountainhall Court; various faxes concerning purchase; Will of Dr. Martin, dated 28 December 1994
- 2 x diploma containers containing certificates, degrees, memberships, and awards
Administrative / Biographical History
Margaret Melville Rae Martin was born in Inverness on 4 March 1941. She was the daughter of Dr. Russell D. and Dr. Margaret Martin, and Dr. Martin was the Medical Officer of Health for Clydebank when he married. Margaret's paternal grandmother was Dr. Emily Winifred Dickson (1866-1944), the first female Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) who married Robert Martin in 1899. She was educated at Inverness Royal Academy, 1946-1956, and then at George Watson's Ladies College, 1956-1959, before studying at Edinburgh University, 1959-1965, and qualifying MB ChB in 1965.
Martin enjoyed travelling, fed by an early visit to Poland. So, after training posts in and around Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Aberdeen, during which she collected the Membership of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 1971 and the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, she set off for Ethiopia in 1973. From that year until 1976, she worked in Addis Ababa as a Consultant in the Obstetric and Gynaecology Unit, St. Paul's Hospital, in the city. She was also an Honorary Assistant Professor at the University in Addis Ababa involved in the training of nurses and midwives.
On her return to the UK in 1976, after a spell as locum consultant in Paisley, she applied for and was appointed a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Newmarket General Hospital, a post she held until the inpatient unit was closed in 1992. She also held the post of Honorary Obstetrician with Cambridge Health Authority (Teaching). Martin maintained her outpatient clinics at Newmarket until her retirement from the NHS in 2001.
Martin became a Fellow of the Royal College of Ostetricians and Gynaecologists in 1985, and she was also a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh).
In the last few months of her life Dr. Martin received a Fellowship of the British Medical Association in 2005. Margaret Melville Rae Martin MB ChB FRCS (Edin) died from breast cancer on 22 August 2005. Her funeral was held at Coliston Parish Church in Edinburgh, and a memorial service took place in Woodditton Parish Church near Newmarket in September 2005.
Access Information
Open to bona fide researchers, but please contact repository for details in advance of visit.
Acquisition Information
Accession no: E2014.29
Archivist's Note
Catalogued by Graeme D. Eddie 5 May 2014
Personal Names
Corporate Names
Geographical Names