Notebook No.26
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-203/A1/26
- Dates of Creation:June 1829- June 1829
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:113 folios56 Leaves1 volume
Scope and Content
This brown leather notebook contains brief notes of wastage of cliffs along coast of Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk. There is a list of Aix insects p.42. There are many blank pages and notes without references or context. Contents are written primarily in pencil, and sketches in ink. On the front cover is written in ink "1. June 1829".
The following table of contents is Lyell's own words, copied from Lyell's own "Index", found at the beginning and end of the notebook, transcribed from digital surrogates using the platform Transkribus. When known, Lyell's abbreviations and contractions have been expanded using brackets []. When writing is unclear, and transcription is not possible, this is denoted using [...]. Quotation marks are Lyell's own notation for ditto, as is the abbreviation "d'o". The inclusion of [sic] indicates the misspelling of a word is deliberate and taken from the notebook.
p.38, Volcano in Arabian Gulf; Leit Insel; Volc[an]o of Judea
p.41, Strange on Eugan[ean] Hills; Slamons Eng. N. J. de Phys.
p.43, Anc[ient] coral from Red Sea to Nile. Col'l Leake; Salt marsh at head of Arabian Gulf
p.44, Cetaceous philosophers
p.45, Grottos of Stalactite
p.46, Great shift in Trans. limest[one] at Cromston lake.
p.48, London to Colehester sect[ion]
p.49, Conybeare on plain of London
p.50, Witham to Brontwood sect[ion]
p.53, Colchester, fossil turtle
p.54, Horwich section
p.55, [Horwich] waste of cliff
p.56, [Horwich] will be an island
p.56, Mr. Barns, Crag shell collection
p.58, Walton section
p.60, Crag strata
p.62, [Crag] excrections in
p.63, [Crag] none in cliffs bet[ween] Harwich + Dover Court.
p.64, [Crag] caves dug in
p.64, Harwich, land gained from sea
p.67, Harwich, to Bawdsey, section.
p.67, Felixstow
p.70, Junct[ion] of Crag + London clay.
p.70, Septaria
p.72, Bawdsea cliffs, sections
p.73, Crag 30 or 40 ft. thick
p.75, Crag sections
p.76, T. Rous, Crag shell collector
p.77, Crag shells used as manure
p.77, [Crag] same stratif[ied] 4 miles inland as on coast.
p.77, [Crag] pits n[ea]r Aldboro'
p.80, Aldborough crag like rock of Palermo
p.82, Aldboro town retreated inland
p.82, Aldboro shoals opposite
p.84, River Alde once a tide est'y
p.84, Aldboro' section
p.86, Catcliff, carried away
p.86, Tides, diff[eren]ce bet[wee]n high + low at Aldboro + Harwich
p.88, Brick jut near Sizewell gap
p.90, Crag concret[...] like Walton
p.92, Little Catcliff section
p.94, Great d[itt]o
p.96, Dunwich
p.96, Southwold cliffs
p.98, [Southwold] fossil teeth
p.100, Eastness cliff section
p.100, Pakefield gap, d[itt]o
p.104, [Eastness] to Pakefield d[itt]o
p.111, Lowestoft, rise of tides at
p.111, Norwich, height above sea
p.112, Pakefield, depth of sea at low water
p.112, Lowestoft, low land gains at the Naze
p.112, reaches of the sea n[ea]r Eccles
p.112, Mean depth of wadstead off Pakefield + LowestoftArchivist's Note
Created by Elise Ramsay, Project Archivist, April 2021
Geographical Names