Notebook of John Wallace, 1698
- Reference:GB 227 msBX9225.W2(ms5145)
- Dates of Creation:1698
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English Latin Greek
- Physical Description:1 volume, 186pp
Scope and Content
Autograph notebook of John Wallace, minister of Drumelzier, Peebleshire.
- p.1 [wanting earlier, and, possibly, succeeding page or pages] Notes on the call of Mr William Livingston, minister at Lanark and the 'good men of Stockbridges' [Stockbriggs, Lanarkshire]. [The context would appear to be within a listing of paranormal phenomena, possibly derived from a printed source. Livingston was minister of Lanark from 1613 to 1643 and various stories concerning private revelations afforded him were in circulation].
- p.2 [ruled in seven columns] Columns 1-4 key to shorthand, columns 4-7 miscellaneous notes in Latin on classical subjects.
- p.3 [ruled in seven columns] continuation of notes on classical subjects with notes in the same, but later, hand on religious themes.
- p.4 brief notes on punctuation with a transcript of verses in Latin, relating to Rome and the See of Peter, written over an altar, unspecified.
- p.5 'Lines made upon the equivalent as it passed Haddinton' [Haddington, E Lothian] 20 lines.
- p.6 Brief notes on religion
- pp.7-10 Copy of a letter addressed 'Reverend Sir' from 'Very Near' concerning Church government, signed 'Phylalethos' and dated 15 April 1696.
- pp.11-26 Comments on the above letter [probably from a printed source] [pp.7-26 are continuously paginated as pp.1-20]
- pp.27-33 [paginated as p.1-7] 'Anent Christian private meetings for prayer and conference to mutual edification' dated 1698, the remainder of p.33 ruled.
- pp.34-77 [Even numbered pages ruled in two columns, odd numbered pages ruled in three columns]: Even numbered pages:
- Column 1: Advice on constructing sermons.
- Column 2: Theological tract on spiritual discernment, in Latin.
- Odd numbered pages: Columns 1-3: Notes in shorthand, reading from p.77 to p.35, except p.77 where only column 3 carries shorthand notes. The remainder of the page comprises notes on Mercury Trismegistus [sic].
- pp.78-87 [Ruled in two columns] Even numbered pages:
- Column 1: continuation of notes on constructing sermons.
- Column 2: notes on the early history of Israel.
- Odd numbered pages: Column 1 notes on soteriology, in Latin, wanting opening page[s].
- Column 2: Notes on the early history of Israel, reading consecutively with the even numbered pages.
- pp.88-94 [Ruled in two columns] Even numbered pages:
- Column 1: continuation of notes on constructing sermons.
- Column 2: notes on the early history of Israel.
- Odd numbered pages: Column 1: notes on the nature of history.
- Column 2: Notes on the early history of Israel, reading consecutively with the even numbered pages.
- pp.95-114 [Even numbered pages ruled in two columns] Even numbered pages:
- Column 1: continuation of notes on constructing sermons.
- Column 2: notes on the early history of Israel.
- Odd numbered pages: notes on the early history of Israel, reading consecutively with the even numbered pages.
- pp.115-120 [Ruled in two columns] Even numbered pages:
- Column 1: continuation of notes on constructing sermons.
- Column 2: notes on the early history of Israel.
- Odd numbered pages: Column 1: Notes on the early history of the papacy.
- Column 2: notes on the early history of Israel, reading consecutively with the even numbered pages.
- p.121 Of Heretiques
- p.122 Ruled in two columns, part of column 1 continuing notes on sermons, column 2 and the remainder of column 1 continuing the study of heresy.
- p.123 [ruled in two columns] continuing the study of heresy written by column.
- pp.124-164: Even numbered pages from p.124 to p.162, thereafter Column 1 pp.165, 167, 169: notes, in Latin, on exegesis
- Odd numbered pages from p.125-131, notes on heresy in column 2, text continuous.
- pp.164-186:Odd numbered pages whole except pp.165, 167, 169, 171, which are ruled in two columns:
- Odd numbered pages to p.187 reading from p.185 to p.157: 'Remarks from the morning exercise against popery'
- pp.165, 167, 169, column 1, notes, incomplete, in Latin, on rhetorical subjects
- p.171 Latin couplets
- Even numbered pages [ruled in two columns]: p.164 Column 1, Latin phrases.
- Column 2 continuation of text against popery.
- p.166 Aphorisms, alphabetically ordered 'dwell' to 'grow'. In two columns, inserted, 'phrases sordide' 'phrases pure'.
- p.168 Couplets and 'Proverbs and Sentences', alphabetically ordered 'After' to 'Dry'
- p.170 [ruled in two columns with a border and carrying original pagination 'p.35'] Latin couplets
- p.172 [ruled in two columns with a border] Latin phrases with translation.
- p.174 [ruled in two columns with a border] Column 1: Latin couplets with translation.
- Column 2: Aphorisms, alphabetically ordered within the letter 'I' in Latin and English.
- pp.176, 178, 180, 182 [ruled in two columns with a border] Latin couplets with translation
- p.184 [ruled in two columns with a border] shorthand notes
- p.186 ruled, blank.
Administrative / Biographical History
John Wallace (c. 1674-1733) was minister of Drumelzier, Peebleshire, from his ordination in 1705 until his death in 1733. He had been licenced by the presbytery of Kirkcaldy in 1702. He married Christian, daughter of William Murray of Cardon, in 1706.
The commonplace book was originally a Renaissance idea to have a book into which favourite passages of text, sayings and quotations could be copied. Students created notebooks in their studies to compile a collections of ideas from their readings to be used in future speeches, compositions and if they were training for the ministry, sermons. These would provide a series of headings under which to organise the sermon, an aid to memory, and a store for useful passages of Scripture or commentary for future works.
Single item
Access Information
By appointment with the Keeper of Manuscripts. Access to records containing confidential information may be restricted.
Acquisition Information
Purchased for 3.5s. from George G Adams together with mss5144 and 5146, 17 Feb 1946
Call number used to be ms5145.
Other Finding Aids
Individual Manuscripts and Small Collections database available as part of Manuscripts Database.
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
Binding: calf. Paper: 18x14.4cm vertically bound.
Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Maia Sheridan, Archives Hub project archivist, based on material from the Manuscripts Database
Conditions Governing Use
Applications for permission to quote should be sent to the Keeper of Manuscripts. Reproduction subject to usual conditions: educational use and condition of documents.
Related Material
GB227 msBX9225.W2, ms5146
Personal Names
Geographical Names