Department of Accounts and Business Finance
- Reference:GB 254 RU 948
- Dates of Creation:1982 - 2007
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:3 booklets, 2 volumes, 7 plans
Scope and Content
/1 Printed Booklets
1/1 Booklet: ‘Management’s Economic Decisions and Financial Reporting’ by DJ
Collison, JR Grinyer, A Russell, n.d.
1/2 Booklet: Annual Departmental Review, 1993- 1994
1/3 Instruction leaflet for installing local area networks, by Mike Whitehead, 30 October 1990
/2 Photograph Albums
2/1 Departmental Photograph Album/Scrapbook presented to the Department by Pam
Shafe, Departmental Secretary, 1982-1995
2/2 Photograph Album containing photographs of, Accounting & Finance, Pam Shafe’s Retiral Party, n.d.; Christmas party Mains Castle, n.d.; Annual strategy day at West Park,n.d.; Annual Student Ball at the Hilton Hotel, n.d.; Retiral of Bob Lyon, Dr Ian Cobb and Mike Tooze, 2007.
2/3 Photograph of Accountancy staff?, N.D.
/3 Plans
3/1 Alterations for Accountancy and Economics Department, 1 and 3 Perth Road, Dundee: Layout plan, 17 March 1992 (1 plan). Also includes copies and enlargements with annotations (9 pieces)
3/2 Proposed DDA Works, 1-3 Perth Road, Univeristy of Dundee, Proposal 2, Ramp, Toilet Proposals, December 2004
3/3 Copied Plans of File Server Room 08, including ammendments, Rosa Michaelson, 5 May 1992 (4 copies)
3/4 University of Dundee Library and Students’ Union Building, Copy of Basement Floor Plan, (3 annotated copies) n.d.
3/5 Copy of Elevation Plan of Lab 11, n.d
3/6 Copy of Elevation Plan of Lab 12, n.d.
3/7 Copy of section B-B Plan, n.d.Arrangement
Usually chronological within series.
Access Information
Open for consultation subject to preservation requirements. Access must also conform to the restrictions of the Data Protection Act (2018), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) and any other relevant legislation or restrictions. Clinical information is closed for 100 years.
Archivist's Note
Description compiled by AM/IT
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Reproduction is available subject to preservation requirements. Charges may be made for this service, and copyright and other restrictions may apply; please check with the Duty Archivist.
Additional Information
RU 948