Kerr Anderson Papers
- Reference:GB 254 MS 351
- Dates of Creation:1699-1954
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:1 linear metre
Scope and Content
Trusts. 1889-1954; Thomas Kerr legal documents and other correspondence. 1798-1863; John James Dalyell Documents. 1898-1920; Business Concerns. 1879-1960; The Grange Estate. 1737-1963; Title Deeds of Grange of Monifieth: 1699-1898; Land surrounding the Grange: 1902-1933; Longhaugh House. 1905-1920; Miscellaneous. 1876-1953
Administrative / Biographical History
The Grange estate was at one time the 'home farm' of Arbroath Abbey. Separated in the fourteenth century, it was granted by Robert the Bruce to Sir William Durham, for services rendered as a knight. It passed from Durham to James Martine in the early eighteenth century, and from the latter to heirs David Watson and Anne Martine. By 1771, it was owned by Charles Hunter. In 1792, Thomas Kerr, a farmer in Pitskellie, bought the property from Charles Hunter. It subsequently passed to his son, David, followed by his grandson, Thomas. After the death of the second Thomas Kerr in 1879, the entire estate passed to Alexander Anderson, and from him to Thomas Anderson (died 15 March 1927).
Usually chronological within series.
Access Information
Open for consultation subject to preservation requirements. Access must also conform to the restrictions of the Data Protection Act (2018), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) and any other relevant legislation or restrictions. Clinical information is closed for 100 years.
Acquisition Information
Given by Alison Morrison-Low
The Grange estate was at one time the 'home farm' of Arbroath Abbey. Separated in the fourteenth century, it was granted by Robert the Bruce to Sir William Durham, for services rendered as a knight. It passed from Durham to James Martine in the early eighteenth century, and from the latter to heirs David Watson and Anne Martine. By 1771, it was owned by Charles Hunter. In 1792, Thomas Kerr, a farmer in Pitskellie, bought the property from Charles Hunter. It subsequently passed to his son, David, followed by his grandson, Thomas. After the death of the second Thomas Kerr in 1879, the entire estate passed to Alexander Anderson, and from him to Thomas Anderson (died 15 March 1927).
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Hannah Gilhooly
Conditions Governing Use
Reproduction is available subject to preservation requirements. Charges may be made for this service, and copyright and other restrictions may apply; please check with the Duty Archivist.
Appraisal Information
Nothing destroyed
Custodial History
Had been held in Alison Morrison-Low's parents' house. Morrison-Low's mother's grand father was Thomas Anderson, of Milton House, Monifieth; and his uncle was the Kerr who sold the Grange, Monifieth.
Not expected
Related Material
MS 17/4
Additional Information
MS 351