Comunn Gaidhealach Dun-Deagh (Dundee Highland Society) Collection
- Reference:GB 615 DHS
- Dates of Creation:c.1850-c.2014
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:TBC
Scope and Content
Papers, minutes, books and photographs relating to the activity of Dundee Highland Society, its history, and its membership.
Access Information
Generally open to the public but some correspondence is restricted due to the presence of personal data.
Acquisition Information
The material was donated to Dundee Local History Centre by Helen Beat, former secretary of Dundee High;and Society, in April 2022.
Appraisal Information
Disposals not expected. Further additions unlikely but would be considered if forthcoming.
Not expected
Related Material
Earlier minute books, cash books, syllabi and other material from Dundee Highland Society is included in the A.C. Lamb collection. Dundee Highland Annuals, published by the society, are listed in the library's book catalogue.
Geographical Names