Charles Robert Darwin
- Reference:GB 235 DCR
- Dates of Creation:1809 - 1882
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:Minimal; copies of 3 miscellaneous printed items.
Scope and Content
3 misc. items with references to: Charles Robert Darwin
1. Copy of Tribute to Dr. Wm Pitcairne, Pres Roy. Coll. Phys. (original complete copy filed under "Pitcairne, Dr. Wm.)
2. Copy of Edinburgh University Darwinian Society; Syllabus for Session Nov. 1891 – Mar. 1892 (original filed with "Balfour, J.B.," correspondence under "Darwin"
3.Syllabus of Three Lectures; “Charles Darwin and his Works” by Prof. Ray LankesterAccess Information
Collection is open to researchers by appointment, see (right click, open link in new tab:)
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Permission required from RBGE
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