Papers of Professor Allan Galloway, 1920-2006, Theologian and Professor of Divinity, 1968-1982, University of Glasgow
- Reference:GB 248 ACCN 3490
- Dates of Creation:1968-2002
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:0.36 linear metres
Scope and Content
- Correspondence relating to the Cunningham Lectureship, c1977-1986;
- Correspondence with the University of Malawi, 1982;
- Correspondence and papers from the Copenhagen Group of the Leuenberg Conversations, 1985;
- Lecture notes, c1978-1984;
- Material relating to 'Logos and Sarx', 2002;
- Texts and copies of articles relating to Theology, c1969-1975.
Administrative / Biographical History
Allan Douglas Galloway was born on the 30th July 1920 in Aberfoyle, Stirlingshire. At the age of 18 years, he matriculated as a student at the University of Glasgow where he studied English, History and French in his first year of study. During his third session of study in 1940-41, Galloway won 2nd prize in Higher Moral Philosophy; 1st Class Certificate in Higher Logic; and he won 1st prize in Ordinary Logic, which was recognised with the Buchanan Prize. In his final year as an Arts student he studied Moral Philosophy and Logic before graduating with a Master of Arts in 1942. He went on to further academia at Christ's College, Cambridge and the Union Theological Seminary in New York.
Between 1948-1950, Galloway was an Assistant Minister at Port Glasgow. He then went onto become a Minister of Auchterhouse from 1950-1954, where he went to Nigeria as Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Ibadan.
In 1960, he returned to Glasgow as a Senior Lecturer and a Reader in Divinity before being assigned to the position of Chair. He remained as Professor of Divinity at Glasgow until 1982, whilst also being appointed as Principal of Trinity College from 1972-1982, and became the Gifford Lecturer at Glasgow in 1984. Professor Allan Galloway died on 4th February 2006.
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Acquisition Information
Gift : Professor Ian Hazlett : June 2010 : ACCN 3490
Other Finding Aids
See also University of Glasgow Collections
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This material has been appraised in line with standard ASC procedures
Custodial History
Not known
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Location of Originals
This material is original
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