Ground floor plan and first floor plan of North block (Revised No. 16)
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BUL 6/3/2
- Former Reference:GB 248 GUA 11955
- Dates of Creation:28 November 1868
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:0.72 x 0.53m 1 drawing Scale: ¼" represents 1' 0" (Approximately 1:50)
Scope and Content
This is one of a set of contract drawings consisting of 3No. plans and 3No. Elevations. (Drawings GUA BUL 6/3/1 to GUA BUL 6/3/6 inclusive.) This item includes a pencil note on the drawing - possibly by the builder - requesting Drawing "Revised Plan No.19".
The drawing, or perhaps the list of Contract signatories is initialled by "A. T."
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
Ink and watercolour on linen-backed paper.