Military Service Documents and Photographs
- Reference:GB 254 UR-SF 71/3
- Dates of Creation:1891-1918
- Physical Description:Folder
Scope and Content
UR-SF 71/3/1 John William Kimber’s certificate of service in the Royal Navy. Includes list of ships served on, any wounds received, good conduct badges and character/ability ratings. 24th July 1891-31st December 1905
UR-SF 71/3/2 Report on Lieutenant John W. Kimber by Grenadier School of Instruction at Scone Camp. The report details that Kimber attended a course of instruction on trench warfare and grenade engines from 25th August – 8th September 1915. 1915
UR-SF 71/3/3 Letter to Reserve Centre from General Staff at Northern Command, referring to an application from the O.C. 4th Reserve Battalion Black Watch about the return of Lieutenant John W. Kimber to regimental duty. The application is denied. 25th June 1916
UR-SF 71/3/4 Northern Command School of Instruction Classification for Lieutenant John W. Kimber from Ripon Reserve Centre. Kimber attended from 23rd of October 1916-2nd of December 1916. 1st Dec 1916
UR-SF 71/3/5 Letter written from John Kimber in France to Ada Kimber. 1st May 1918
UR-SF 71/3/6-7 /6 Postcard of Kimber and two other men in an army storeroom /7 Photograph of Kimber and three other soldiers [letting off a flare?] ‘Yorkshire. J.W.K’ is inscribed on the back n.d.
UR-SF 71/3/8 Photograph of Kimber and his regiment standing to attention n.d.
UR-SF 71/3/9-10 Two photographs of Kimber standing with military personnel. n.d.
UR-SF 71/3/11 Photograph of Kimber marching with his regiment. n.d.
UR-SF 71/3/12 Certificate of Death for John Kimber from the War Office 23rd July 1918
UR-SF 71/3/13-14 /13 Photograph of Kimber’s grave in Etaples Military Cemetery /14 A small portrait print of Kimber in his army uniform. Cut out from the military roll of honour n.d.Additional Information