Papers of the Very Rev. Dr. A. C. Craig (1888-1985)
- Reference:GB 237 Coll-756
- Dates of Creation:1780-1979
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English.
- Physical Description:104 bundles letters, notes, lectures, sermons. Access to records in a fragile condition may be restricted.
Scope and Content
The collection is composed of: in Bundles 1-10, personal letters from Harry Galloway, 1925-1939, and begging letters and appeals for help, personal correspondence addressed to Craig from all over the world, 1930-1939, used and unused postcards, letters of congratulation, 1938, and verse and miscellaneous papers of the nineteenth century; in Bundles 11-26, lectures notes on Genesis, Job, Amos, Ezekiel, St. Mark's gospel, Acts, 1st Corinthians, Hebrews, Galatians, St. Paul, miracle in the Old and New Testaments, history and religion of Israel, Israel in exile, and Psalter; in Bundles 27-50, sermons, letters and notes by Craig's father, Rev. Alexander McRae Craig, from 1864 onwards, notes and quotations from books created by Archibald Campbell Craig, some sermons and prayers by the younger Craig, and letters; in Bundles 51-93, personal letters including letters of condolence on the death of his mother, 1926, his appointment as Chaplain to Glasgow University, 1929, some verse, papers on the Church, 1950s, lectures and addresses, music book and some hymn tunes, a few photographs including photographs of celebrations of the Russian Orthodox Church, some Russian volumes, some sermons and addresses and talks; in Bundles 94-100, file labelled Scottish Churches' Council containing miscellaneous talks and papers, sermons, verse and notes, broadcast talks and sermons, file containing off-prints and talks, and an analytical concordance to the Holy Bible; in Bundle 101, personal letters from James Brown, naval surgeon to Margaret Brown, his sister, 1780-1784; in Bundles 102-103, miscellaneous papers and a plan for 'a ecumenical church in a Scottish new town'; and in Bundle 104, 15 letters from Craig to Robert. C. Mackie written from St. John's, Doune, Perthshire (one exception being Bank Street, Glasgow), the content of which is mixed but with many observations on ecclesiastical politics.
Administrative / Biographical History
Archibald Campbell Craig was born on 3 December 1888. He was educated at Kelso High School, and he studied Edinburgh University, and New College, Edinburgh. During the First World War he served with the 13th Royal Scots, 1914-1918, and with the Intelligence Corps, 1914-1919. Craig held Pastorates in Galston and Glasgow from 1921 to 1930, and in 1930 he became Chaplain to Glasgow University. In 1939 he was Secretary to the Churches Commission on International Friendship and Social Responsibility, a post which he held until 1942. In 1942 he became General Secretary to the British Council of Churches, and in 1946 he was Assistant Leader, Iona Community. Craig was appointed Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Glasgow University in 1947 and he was there until 1957. He was Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1961-1962. The Very Rev. Archibald Campbell Craig died in 1985.
Access Information
Generally open for consultation to bona fide researchers, but please contact repository for details in advance.
The biographical/administrative history was compiled using the following material: (1) Who's who 1976. Adam and Charles Black, 1976.
Compiled by Graeme D Eddie, Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections Division.
Other Finding Aids
Local lists.
Check the local Indexes for details of any additions.
Related Material
The local Indexes at Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections, show reference to Craig related material (check the Indexes for more details): letter to the editor of Everyman, submitting a poem 'Lightning', by C. F. Meyer, translated from the German, in Sar.Coll.12. In addition, the UK National Register of Archives (NRA), updated by the Historical Manuscripts Commission, notes: 1925-72: correspondence and papers, 1925-1972, Private, Ref. NRA(S)2836 NRA 30496 Craig.
Personal Names