Bundle of property records relating to Hathibari
- Reference:GB 248 UGD 091/2/5/2/1/42
- Dates of Creation:1877-1896
- Physical Description:1 bundle
Scope and Content
- (1) 18 Dec 1896 - Conveyance, Robert Ewing, John Muir and Amalgamated Tea Estates Co Ltd of Hathibari Tea Estate [No.1];
- (2) Jan 1879 - Co-partnership deed of the Hathibari's Tea Estate [-Robert Ewing, F Mansfield, John Muir, Charles Martin, A M Brown [W] Watson] [No.3];
- (3) Mar 1882 - Correspondence from Joseph Mansfield asking Finlay Muir & Co to allow sale of 1/13th share of Hathibari Tea Estate (belonging to his late son) to go ahead [No.5];
- (4) Hathibari No.6 - returned to Calcutta 9 Mar 1899;
- (5) 1879 - Plan of Hathibari Estate showing 1878 clearance (colour wash) [No.6];
- (6) Aug 1878 - Letter from Williamson Magor & Co re: payment of land, Hathibari Tea Estate [No.8];
- (7) As above [No.9];
- (8) 1877 - Transfer of 600 acres of land to Mr Martin [Hathibari] (Bengal document and English translation) [10 and 11];
- (9) 29 Aug 1887 - C P N Martin to Arthur Levick, conveyance of 2/16ths of the Hathibari Tea Estate, Tezpone, Assam [12];
- (10) 1886 - Arthur Levick to Mrs M L B Hooper - mortgage of 2/16ths share in the Hathibari Tea Estate (annotated 'Not used') [No.13];
- (11) Hathibari No.14 - returned to Calcutta 9 Mar 1899;
- (12) 1879 - Conveyance, 14/16th parts or shares in the land forming the Hathibari Tea Estate (C P N Martin, Robert Ewing, F P Mansfield, John Muir, A M Brown, W L Watson and W N Anderson);
- (13) 19 May 1882 - The Administrator General of Bengal and John Muir Esq. and others, conveyance of 3/16th parts or shares of land in Hathibari Tea Estate;
- (14) 2 May 1895 - Arthur Levick to Sir John Muir, mortgage; and 17 Dec 1896 - Sir John Muir to Arthur Levick, reconveyance;
- (15) Hathibari No.18 - returned to Calcutta 9 Mar 1899.