Bundle of deeds and titles concerning Nahprkutia and Hathikuli
- Reference:GB 248 UGD 091/2/5/2/1/39
- Dates of Creation:1874-1898
- Physical Description:1 file
Scope and Content
- (1) 1896 - Extract Mr W H Greenish letter to Amalgamated Tea Company Ltd re conveyance of Nahorkutia [estate] No.1;
- (2) n.d. - Memorandum of valuation, Nahorkutia No.2;
- (3) 1894 - Old Patta No.79 - lease form - Nahorkutia No.4;
- (4) Aug 1895 - Annual lease for ordinary cultivation - Nahorkutia No.5;
- (5) 1896 - Copy letter John Elliot & Co with Nahorkutia title deeds from Mr W H Greenish No.6;
- (6) 1878 - Instrument of grant, lease No.19, 9 Aug 1878, Nahorkutia No.8;
- (7) 1879 - Instrument of grant, lease No.25, 14 Mar 1879, Nahorkutia No.9;
- (8) 1874 - Pattah (Lease) No.1, dated 4 Nov 1874, Nahorkutia (Arabic with English translation) No.10;
- (9) 1875 - Pattah No.166/166 dated 15 Dec 1875, Nahorkutia (Arabic with English translation) No.11;
- (10) n.d. - Pattah No.89/88 dated 23 Jun, Nahorkutia No.12;
- (11) 1877 - Declaration of sale of Nahorkutia, 22 Oct 1877 No.13;
- (12) 1878 - Declaration of purchase of lease, 11 Mar 1878, Nahorkutia No.14;
- (13) 1875 - Receipt for rent, Nahorkutia, 22 Dec 1875 No.15;
- (14) 1875 - Declaration of purchase b y Purcell of Nahorkutia, 13 Sep 1875 No.16;
- (15) 1876 - 3 letters to Mr Evans re: Nahorkutia No.17;
- (16) 1875 - Receipt from Treasury of Bengal for purchase by Mr Purcell of land [Nahorkutia] No.18;
- (17) 1881 - (i) Plan of Nahorkutia, Jaipir, Lakhimpur, Assam linen backed surveyed map, scale 16 inches to 1 mile, colour, showing crops grown in different parts of the estate 1881;
- (17) 1881 - (ii) As above, on opaque paper - Pattah land of old tea divided up more clearly into lots and showing bungalows and coolie lines, etc.;
- (18) 1896 - Copy letter P R Buchanan to Mr Purcell re: Nahorkutia, 27 Jul 1896 No.20;
- (19) 1896 - Copy agreement for sale, Nahorkutia, 6 Aug 1896 No.21;
- (20) 1896 - Old Pattah No.83 now substituted by pottah No.80 of 9 Sep 1896 No.22;
- (21) 6 Aug 1896 - W G Purcell and another to Sir John Muir, Bart. and another, contract for sale and purchase of Mahor Kutia Tea Estate, Assam £28,943 (with price) No.23a;
- (22) 6 Aug 1896 As above, blank draft No.23;