Sir Arthur Stanley letters: formation of the College of Nursing Ltd.
- Reference:GB 1199 RCN1/1/1915/3
- Dates of Creation:1915-1916
- Name of Creator:
- Physical Description:0.01m
Scope and Content
College file of correspondence with representatives of UK hospitals. Handwritten letters were received by the College, but only unsigned typed copies of the responses from Stanley or Swift remain on file. Contents include:
Correspondence between Sir Arthur Stanley and Miss Melrose, Miss Haughton, W.S. Caw, Miss Sparshott, Ellen Musson, Sir Henry Burdett and several other matrons and doctors concerning state registration, formation of College of Nursing etc. Letters sent by matrons are often addressed to Swift and some of her responses are included. Some letters are addressed to Alicia Lloyd Still, but no responses are included. A letter of introduction had been sent out on behalf of the College by Lloyd Still enclosing a letter from Stanley with copies of the College Memorandum and Articles of Association. The letters from matrons across the UK are generally supportive of the scheme to establish a College of Nursing and some include an indication of opinions from hospital committees and doctors.
There are several letters from the correspondence between Sarah Swift and Annie Warren Gill of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, both of whom became members of the first Council;
Printed Booklet titled "Make Believe in British Nursing - The Story of the Stage Army";
Suggested scheme for a National Nursing Service submitted to Sir Arthur by Dr Nathan Raw and Matron M. Whitson, Liverpool.
Access Information
This collection is available for research. Readers are advised to contact the RCN Archives in advance of their first visit.
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Royal College of Nursing