Records of the Assistant Director and Company Secretary
- Reference:GB 1694 GSAA/CSE
- Dates of Creation:c. 1986-2008
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:18 boxes of uncatalouged RM
Scope and Content
Includes administrative papers and correspondence relating to fundraising, prize winners and prize funds, insurance and the working files of Michael L. Foley (Assistant Director/Company Secretary 1993/94 - 1999/00)
Committee papers held within this department - Senior Management Group Committee, Audit Committee, Business Committee, General Purposes Committee, Health and Safety Committee, Remuneration Committee.
Administrative / Biographical History
The office of Assistant Director and Company Secretary was created in 1993 under the title of Assistant Director (Resources) following the retiral of the School's Secretary and Treasurer in December of that year. The office retained the legal duties of the Company Secretary. In 1995 the name of the office was changed to Assistant Director and Company Secretary. The holder is responsible for financial matters, estates matters and personnel matters in support of the School's academic purposes. The holder also acts as secretary to the Board of Governors and the School. The office of Assistant Director and Company Secretary is part of the School's Directorate, the principal executive body of the School along with the offices of Director and Deputy Director. The office comprises of two separate roles; Director of Finance and Reports and Assistant Company Secretary.
The records are awaiting arrangement.
Access Information
Most records which are over 30 years old are available for public consultation. Records which are less than 30 years old can be accessed with the permission of the head of the relevant department of the school.
Other Finding Aids
A fully searchable series level list is available via the Gateway to Scottish Higher Education (GASHE) web site at
Appraisal Information
This material has been appraised in line with Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections standard procedures.