GSA General Correspondence
- Reference:GB 1694 GSAA/DIR/10/5
- Dates of Creation:1943-1944
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 folder.
Scope and Content
N-R [incl correspondence with: Registrar of GU re: appointment of Walton as Honorary Lecturer in Industrial Design; F.J. Rutherford re: designs for curtains of No.11 Downing Street; RAF bases re: courses at GSA, a "Brains Trust" night & the loan of paintings to decorate the Sick Quarters at Compton Basset, Wilts. - includes paintings by Joan Eardley & Margot Sandeman]
Access Information
Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections are open for research by appointment.
Appraisal Information
This material has been appraised in line with Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections standard procedures.