Records of the Academic Council
- Reference:GB 1694 GSAA/AC
- Dates of Creation:1973-2000
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1.2 metres 16 boxes of uncatalogued RM
Scope and Content
5 boxes - Minutes 1973-1990
2.5 boxes - Day books 1973-1977
0.5 boxes - 5gsaa/General Purposes Committee minutes 1974-1976
Un-Catalogued material includes annual course reports, final versions of academic plans, course documents, institutional plans and strategic plans. CNAA, Quality Assessment and QLT review material and external examiners/assessors reports, course validation and revalidation papers.
Committee papers held within this department - 1990 Working Party, Academic Council, Academic Standards Committee, Course Approvals and Review Committee, Course Monitoring Sub-Group/Committee, Joint Examinations Committees, Postgraduate Committee, Research Committee, Staff Development and Research Committee, Undergraduate Committee
Administrative / Biographical History
The Academic Council was established in 1973 when the Board of Governors was directed by the Scottish Education Department to establish an Academic Council with responsibility for academic development, maintenance of standards and proper conduct of courses. To some extent, this was a change of title for the Board of Studies which, for many years, had advised the Director on the discharge of such tasks on behalf of the Board of Governors. It was larger than the Board of Studies, however, and had various committees and working parties for dealing with matters in detail. The main ones were the General Purposes Committee, the Finance Committee, the Student Progress Committee, the Appointments Committee and the Director's Advisory Committee. The Council's main responsibility was the overall planning, co-ordination, development and supervision of the academic work of the School. It discussed major matters of policy and approved the recommendations of its committees. It comprised thirty members: 18 ex officiis including the Director, Deputy Director and Heads of Departments, four co-opted members including the Senior Tutor and the President of the Students Representative Council and eight elected members. The full Academic Council meets at least once a term.
The records are arranged in three series as outlined in the description above.
Access Information
Most records which are over 30 years old are available for public consultation. Records which are less than 30 years old can be accessed with the permission of the head of the relevant department of the school.
Other Finding Aids
A fully searchable series level list is available via the Gateway to Scottish Higher Education (GASHE) web site at
Appraisal Information
This material has been appraised in line with Glasgow School of Art Archives and Collections standard procedures.