Notes taken by Alexander Archibald from dictates of George Peacock, 1688-1689
- Reference:GB 227 msBC59.A8
- Dates of Creation:1688-1689
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:Latin
- Physical Description:1 volume, 194pp
Scope and Content
Notes from the dictates of George Peacock, taken down by Alexander Archibald. Prefaced [pp.i-ix] by extracts from a sermon and by a riddle in English in the hand of John Archibald, 1725, lord of Balraunie, [Menmuir, Angus], starts 'I have a thing that nothing is'.
Pp.1-194 Cursus Logicus, in four parts, part I finished 24 December 1688, part II finished 5 February 1689.
Part I:
- pp.1-2 Logicam Praefatio [Preface].
- pp.2-6 Introductio ad logicam [Introduction to logic].
- pp.7-14 De syllogismi materia et forma [On Syllogisms].
- pp.14-22 [On the terminology of logic].
- pp.22-29 De objecto logicae [On the proper object of logic].
- pp.29-34 [On various objections].
- pp.34-43 [On terms].
- pp.43-52 De idearum nostra [On the nature of ideas].
- pp.52-59 De idearum objectis [On the proper object of ideas].
- pp.59-65 De distinctione [On distinctions].
- pp.66-75 De Universales [On universals].
- pp.75-84 De genere et specie [On genus and species].
- pp.84-92 De differentia et individuo [On individuation].
- pp.92-99 De proprie et accidente [On properties and accidents].
- pp.99-103 [On arguments from analogy].
- pp.103-109 De categoriis [On categories].
- pp.109-112 De accidente [On accidents].
- pp.112-117 De quantitate et qualitate [On quantity and quality].
- pp.117-122 De relations [On relations].
- pp.122-127 [On predicates].
- [p.128 scribbles].
Part II:
- pp.129-134 [On simple and compound propositions].
- pp.134-136 De variis speciebus [On varieties of species].
- pp.136-140 [On the determination of falsity].
- pp.140-143 [On inferential reasoning from a false major].
- pp.143-147 [On opposition].
- pp.147-149 [On future propositions].
- pp.149-151 De propositionii conversione [On the conversion of propositions].
- pp.151-156 De definitione et divisione [On Definition and Division].
Part III:
- pp.157-161 De argumentatione [On various types of argument].
- pp.161-167 De syllogismi [On the syllogism].
- pp.167-181 De divisione syllogismi [On the varieties of syllogism].
Part IV:
- pp.182-188 De methodo in genere [On logical method in general].
- pp.188-190 De methodo analytica [On analytical method].
- pp.190-194 De methodo compositionis [On procedure by composition, unfinished].
Administrative / Biographical History
George Peacock was a regent teaching philosophy at Marischal College, Aberdeen, c.1688-1694.
Single item
Access Information
By appointment with the Keeper of Manuscripts. Access to records containing confidential information may be restricted.
Acquisition Information
Transferred from the Muniments Room, 10 Nov 1956
Call number used to be ms1950
Other Finding Aids
Individual Manuscripts and Small Collections database available as part of Manuscripts Database.
Physical Characteristics and/or Technical Requirements
Binding: vellum and vellum boards. Remains of two ties. Ruled borders. Paper: 10.4x15.6cm
Archivist's Note
Description compiled by Maia Sheridan, Archives Hub project archivist, based on material from the Manuscripts Database
Conditions Governing Use
Applications for permission to quote should be sent to the Keeper of Manuscripts. Reproduction subject to usual conditions: educational use and condition of documents.
Custodial History
Volume owned by David Speid [Speed], 1690, and, in 1725, by John Archibald of Balraunie.
Related Material
University of St Andrews GB 227 msBC59.P4: Notes taken down by Thomas Paull from the dictates of George Peacock, 1694.
Personal Names
Corporate Names