Two letters to Dr William Roxburgh from Thomas Horsfield in Batavia
- Reference:GB 235 HOR
- Dates of Creation:1801 - 1803
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:Minimal; ephemera, 2 letters
Scope and Content
•2 letters, dated 1801 & 1803, from Thomas Horsfield in Batavia to Dr. Roxburgh, Calcutta, previously filed under “Roxburgh, Dr. Wm.” At this time, Batavia was the capital of the Dutch East Indies, and corresponds with Jakarta, Indonesia today.
Second letter relates to Thomas Horsfield exploring the vegetation of Java, learning of indiginous knowledge of medicinal plants and his thoughts of publishing a 'Plantae Javanicae Rariores', which he eventually did.Access Information
Collection is open to researchers by appointment, see (right click, open link in new tab:)
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Permission required from RBGE.
Related Material
Horsfield's "Plantæ javanicæ rariores : descriptæ iconibusque illustratæ, quas in insula Java, annis 1802-1818, legit et investigavit Thomas Horsfield, M. D., e siccis descriptiones et characteres plurimarum elaboravit Ioannes J. Bennett; observationes structuram et affinitates præsertim respicientes passim adjecit Robertus Brown" on the library catalogue: (right click, open link in new tab)
Additional Information
Personal Names