- Reference:GB 250 9/L/14/1/11-26
- Dates of Creation:1900-1911
- Language of Material:English
Scope and Content
11: 1900-1903. Malaria prevention in Hong Kong: reports and minutes by J.C. Thomson. 18 pages, 30cm, letterpress.
12: Dec 1902. ‘Malaria and its relation to the mosquito; a lecture delivered before the Hong Kong Odd Volumes Society’ by J.C. Thomson, Hong Kong Telegraph, 16th and 17th December 1902. 11 pagtes, 23cm, letterpress, reprint.
13: 1903. Reports of the principal civil medical officer of Hong Kong for the year 1902. 42 pages, 30cm, letterpress. Also British Medical Journal press cutting (19/1/07) on Hong Kong and covering letter.
14: 1904. Report of the principal civil medical officer for Hong Kong for the year 1903. 7 pages, 30cm, letterpress. Cover is missing.
15: 1904. Report on the health and condition of the Colony of Hong Kong for the year 1903. 7 pages, 30cm, letterpress. Cover is missing.
16: 1911. Report for the year of 1910 on the preventionof mosquito-borne disease on Hong Kong. 4 pages, 30cm, letterpress. Cover is missing.
17: 1906. Reports on the health and sanitary condition of the Colony of Hong Kong for the year 1905. 140 pages, 30cm, letterpress.
18: 1910. Advice concerning mosquitoes amd malaria by Sanitary Board of Hong Kong. 5 pages, 24cm, letterpress, 2 copies.
19: 1903. Plan of the city of Victoria, Hong Kong. Corrected to 1903. 21.5cm, 49.5cm, scale 0.5inches: 1 mile.
20: 1906. An address on the prevention of malaria in Hong Kong by Francis Clark. 12 pages, 24cm, letterpress, 3 copies.
21: 15 Dec 1910. Malaria: lecture given by Dr. Francis Clark to the Young Men’s Christian Association, Hong Kong. 2 pages, 29cm, letterpress, 7 copies. Text in English and Chinese.
22: 1910. Advice concerning mosquitoes and malaria by Sanitary Board of Hong Kong. 5 pages, 20cm, letterpress, 4 copies. Text in Chinese.
23: 1903-1909. By-law made under Sub-Section 35 of Section 16 of the Public Health and Buildings Ordinances, by Sanitary Board of Hong Kong.
24: 1910. The Public Health and Buildings Ordinance No. 1 of 1903. Hong Kong. 148 pages, 23cm, letterpress.
25: 12 Apr 1910. Minutes of the proceedings of the Sanitary Board, at a regular meeting held on Tuesday the 12th day of April 1910. 3 pages, 30cm, letterpress.
26: n. d. . Map of Hong Kong, Kau-Lung and adjacent territories by Edinburgh Geographical Institute. 30.5cm.
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