Records of the Management Group
- Reference:GB 248 GUA MG
- Dates of Creation:1989-1995
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English.
- Physical Description:21 boxes (2.75 metres)
Scope and Content
- Minutes 1989-1995
- Meeting papers 1989-1995
- Memoranda 1995
- Financial records 1986-2000
Administrative / Biographical History
The Management Group was originally formed in 1983 as the Planning and Resources Committee and renamed in 1996 . The committee had been established as the result of the Jarrat Committee Report to be responsible for the co-ordination of the University's strategic planning and its presentation to Court and Senate.
The Management Group's function is to advise the Principal, as Chief Executive Officer of the University, on matters of policy, to advise Court and Senate on matters of strategic policy, and to implement the policies of Court and Senate. Members of the Management Group include the Principal, Vice-Principles, the Secretary of the Court, Clerk of Senate, the Directors of Estates and Buildings, Finance, Human Resources and Information Services.
The collection is arranged in series, which consist of a number of files related by format and/or function. Within series the files contain a loose bundle of papers arranged chronologically.
Access Information
By appointment - access to recent official records and records containing confidential information is restricted in accordance with University policies and relevant legislation.
Alternative Form Available
The material is original
Michael Moss, Moira Rankin and Lesley Richmond . The History and Constitution of the University of Glasgow . Glasgow : University of Glasgow , 2001 .
Additional Information
University of Glasgow
Subfonds level description compiled by Yvonne Ewing, Archives Assistant, 7 March 2002 .