Department of Adult and Continuing Education
- Reference:GB 248 GUA ACE
- Dates of Creation:1926-1996
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English.
- Physical Description:2.12 metres
Scope and Content
- Minutes, agendas and papers of University of Glasgow committees concerned with adult and continuing education 1927-1983
- Annual accounts of University of Glasgow committees concerned with adult and continuing education 1927-1959
- Annual reports of University of Glasgow committees concerned with adult and continuing education 1926-1994
- Papers relating to the funding of adult education classes run by the University of Glasgow and other bodies 1938-1979
- Minutes, agendas, papers and correspondence of other bodies concerned with adult and continuing education 1927-1990
- Local Authority Adult Education Schemes 1946-1981
- Printed material relating to adult education courses in the West of Scotland run by the University of Glasgow and other bodies 1962-1996
- Special reports and research undertaken by University of Glasgow bodies concerned with Adult and continuing education 1960-1983
- Press cuttings 1947-1950
Administrative / Biographical History
The Department of Adult and Continuing Education had its origins in the University of Glasgow Extra-Mural Education Committee. This was founded in May 1924 on the recommendation of the Joint Committee of the Court and Senate on Adult Education and first met in October of that year under the convenorship of Hector Hetherington , then Professor of Moral Philosophy. Its objectives were to "further consider and report to the University how [it] can best promote the cause of Adult Education in Glasgow and the West of Scotland", "provide more systematic and advanced types of courses of study" and to oversee "the general development of adult education in the West of Scotland". The second function was fulfilled by co-operation with bodies like the Central Committee for Adult Education in HM Forces (founded 1939 and wound up in 1960), the Scottish Institute of Adult Education (founded 1949) and the West of Scotland Joint Committee on Adult Education (founded 1927 and wound up in 1967). Members of the University of Glasgow Extra-Mural Education Committee sat on these other committees. As well as co-operating with these bodies, the University of Glasgow Extra-Mural Education Committee also entered into agency schemes with the West of Scotland Local Education Authorities, whereby the University provided staff to run courses whose expenses were paid by the Local Education Authorities. Some of these agency agreements survived the local government changes of the 1970s. In 1975, the University of Glasgow Extra-Mural Education Committee became the University of Glasgow Extension Studies (Joint) Committee and in 1977, the name was again changed, this time to the University of Glasgow Committee on Adult and Continuing Education. This committee was a merger of the Extension Studies (Joint) Committee and the Senate Committee on Adult Education. This committee continued to fulfil its original objectives as well as being responsible for the running of the University Department of Adult and Continuing Education. On the University's merger with St Andrews College on 1 April 1999, the Department became part of the newly created Faculty of Education.
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University of Glasgow
Subfonds level description compiled by Natalie Milne, archives assistant, 18 January 2002 and John O'Brien, archives assistant, October 2002 .