Wage Sheets / Payroll Sheets
- Reference:GB 582 HWUA BR8/4/2
- Dates of Creation:1944 - 1967
- Physical Description:7 volumes.
Scope and Content
Detailed wage books. Recorded weekly. Give name of department, names of staff, rate of wage, gross wage and deduction, nett wage and employers contribution. Departments are listed as: Power Loom Weavers, Warp Winders, Weft Winders. Drawers. Power Loom Tuners. Darners. Clean Knotters, Finishing Department, Pattern Department, Dye House, Yarn Store, Twisters, Wool Sorters, Carding Department, Spinning Department, Designers, Engine Driver, Timekeepers and Office and Warehouse staff.
The first 3 volumes were originally listed with the R & A Sanderson Collection. However, James Lawson ex-employee at Sanderson's did not recognise these volumes or the names contained within. The volumes are the same format as the later wages books listed below. It has been decided that the volumes are more than likely related to Blenkhorn & Richardson and so have been re-arranged into this collection.