Scotland's Rural College
- Reference:GB 3488 SRUC
- Dates of Creation:2012
- Name of Creator:
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:10 linear metres
Scope and Content
The collection consists of minutes, reports, financial records, maps and plans, College publications, programmes of events, photographs, slides and press cuttings relating to Scotland's Rural College.
Administrative / Biographical History
Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) was formed in 2012 following the merger of SAC (Scottish Agricultural College) with Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge Colleges. SRUC comprises three Divisions: SRUC Education, SAC Research and SAC Consulting. SRUC carries out teaching and research in Agriculture and Business Management, Animal and Equine studies, Environment and Countryside, Engineering, Science and Technology, Horticulture and Landscape and Sport and Tourism. In addition to the six campuses, SRUC consists of a number of research centres and consultancy offices across Scotland and the North of England, as well as six farms and eight veterinary disease surveillance centres.
The collection has been arranged into 12 series. Original order has been maintained where possible. Photographs and loose press cuttings have been arranged by subject matter reflecting the activities of the College.
Access Information
Access to personal material may be restricted by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) where applicable. Access to this material is subject to SRUC Archives Collection Policy.
Appointment required.Note
Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) was formed in 2012 following the merger of SAC (Scottish Agricultural College) with Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge Colleges. SRUC comprises three Divisions: SRUC Education, SAC Research and SAC Consulting. SRUC carries out teaching and research in Agriculture and Business Management, Animal and Equine studies, Environment and Countryside, Engineering, Science and Technology, Horticulture and Landscape and Sport and Tourism. In addition to the six campuses, SRUC consists of a number of research centres and consultancy offices across Scotland and the North of England, as well as six farms and eight veterinary disease surveillance centres.
Archivist's Note
Catalogued by Claire Knox, May 2021.
Information regarding location of some artworks added to Allied materials area (Rita Dick, February 2023)Conditions Governing Use
Copyright is retained by SRUC.
Appraisal Information
Duplicates and items not deemed to have historical value were removed from the collection as part of the appraisal process.
Custodial History
This material had accumulated over time across all campuses and facilities. In cases where files were clearly misfiled, file contents have been rearranged by library staff. Where there was no obvious original order, records have been arranged into series and arranged in chronological order. Photographs have been arranged into series based on the subject matter.
Further accruals are expected.
Location of Originals
The originals are located in the SRUC Archive, SRUC Elmwood Campus, with the exception of some artworks which are located in situ across campuses.
Additional Information
Corporate Names
Geographical Names