Instrument of sasine of the charter of James V granting an annual rent of 10 merks Scots to the Black Friars.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/243
- Dates of Creation:23 January 1541
- Language of Material:Latin
Scope and Content
The document was written on parchment by the notary John Ra and it is bearing his authentification mark. It is written in a small, very neat hand, mainly secretary. The first letter is ornamented.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 16441.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Instrument of Seasine thereon dated 23 Janry. 1541'.
Related Material
See BL 241.
Liber Collegii Nostre Domine registrum Ecclesie B.V. Marie et S. Anne infra muros civitatis Glasguensis MDXLIX : accedunt munimenta fratrum Predicatorum de Glasgu / domus Dominicane apud Glasguenses carte que supersunt MCCXLIV-MDLIX, ed. by Joseph Robertson (Glasgow: the Maitland Club, 1846), p. 223.
Personal Names