Inspeximus by Donald McLachlan of a charter of Gilaspick McLachlan granting 40 shillings yearly to the Black Friars. His heirs are to continue the payment, with a penalty of 1 merk to the Cathedral of Argyll if they fail to pay.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/7
- Dates of Creation:16 July 1456
- Language of Material:Latin
Scope and Content
Seal of Donald de MacLachlan. Pendant on a tag.
The seal represents a lion rampant ; the legend is between raised and carved borders: S' DONALDI DE MAKLACHLAN DE ARDLACHLAN.
The first word is slightly ornamented and written in bookhand, but the rest of the text has a hurried, cursive look. The document is written on parchment.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 12360.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Mortification by Donald McLachlane Lord of Ardlauchlan Confirming a mortification by Gilaspick McLachlane his predecessor to the predicant friers of Glasgow of 40 shillings starling yearly at the fair of Glasgow and Martinmas by equall portions out of his Lands of Kilbryde place of Castlelachlen which Land he binds for the payment of the said 40 shillings Also with a personall obleidgement upon his airs And with ane obleidgement to pay as a penalty in case of failzie a merk Sterline to the fabrick of the Cathedrall of Argyle as oft as he or his successors should be deficient in payment of the said 40 shillings or any part thereof which mortification by the said Gilaspick McLachlane is dated in the year 1314 Confirmed by the said Donald by this Charter'.
Liber Collegii Nostre Domine registrum Ecclesie B.V. Marie et S. Anne infra muros civitatis Glasguensis MDXLIX : accedunt munimenta fratrum Predicatorum de Glasgu / domus Dominicane apud Glasguenses carte que supersunt MCCXLIV-MDLIX, ed. by Joseph Robertson (Glasgow: the Maitland Club, 1846), p. 152 (original) and p. 178-179 (confirmation).
Family Names