Precept of sasine of the charter of James V granting an annual rent of 10 merks Scots to the Black Friars.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/242
- Dates of Creation:11 March 1540
- Language of Material:Latin
Scope and Content
Seal of James V King of Scots (fragment). Integral seal tag.
On the obverse, the seal represents the King enthroned, wearing close-fitting vestments and a large crown of five strawberry leaves. With his right hand he holds a sceptre terminating in a fleur-de-lys and his left hand is upon his breast.The throne has a pinnacled and turrated canopy supported upon pillars, a projecting footboard, and on either side arches within rectangular compartments in which are shields bearing the royal arms of Scotland borne on the breasts of eagles displayed. On the battlements above each compartment is a small figure leaning with one hand on the parapet. At the King's side, there are two annulets among the pinnacles above the throne and two among the skirts of his robes. The legend is between raised borders: IACOBUS DEI GRATIA REX SCOTTORVM. On the reverse, the seal represents the King on horse-back wearing plate armour and a pot helmet ensigned of a chapeau and crest - a lion statant. His right arm is elevated, the hand holding a sword, and on his left arm, the hand of which holds the reins, a shield bearing the royal arms of Scotland. The legend is the same as the obverse.
The document is written in a small, very neat hand mixing secretary hand elements with more traditional elements. The first letter is ornamented.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 16440.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Precept of Seasine thereon dated 11 march 1540'.
Related Material
See BL 241.
Liber Collegii Nostre Domine registrum Ecclesie B.V. Marie et S. Anne infra muros civitatis Glasguensis MDXLIX : accedunt munimenta fratrum Predicatorum de Glasgu / domus Dominicane apud Glasguenses carte que supersunt MCCXLIV-MDLIX, ed. by Joseph Robertson (Glasgow: the Maitland Club, 1846), p. 223.
Personal Names