Confirmation of the charter of Gilaspick McLachlan by the magistrates of Glasgow.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/8
- Dates of Creation:1322
- Language of Material:Latin
Scope and Content
The document is written on parchment in a regular, traditional court hand, not too cursive but with looped d's, r's that fall part in two strokes, and sometimes notched loops on ascenders.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 12361.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Confirmation by the Magistrats of Glasgow of the said Gilaspick McLachlane's mortification'.
Related Material
See BL 7.
Liber Collegii Nostre Domine registrum Ecclesie B.V. Marie et S. Anne infra muros civitatis Glasguensis MDXLIX : accedunt munimenta fratrum Predicatorum de Glasgu / domus Dominicane apud Glasguenses carte que supersunt MCCXLIV-MDLIX, ed. by Joseph Robertson (Glasgow: the Maitland Club, 1846), p. 155.
Family Names