Donation by James Archbishop of Glasgow, with the consent of the chapter, of the vicarage of the parish church of Colmonell to the College of the city of Glasgow, with a condition that it shall not be lawful to exchange the said vicarage or to resign it in favour of any other.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/317
- Dates of Creation:24 January 1557
- Language of Material:Latin
Scope and Content
Seal in good condition of James Beaton (II), Archbishop of Glasgow. Pendant on a tag.
The seal represents St Kentigern with nimbus, wearing episcopal vestments and a mitre. With his right hand he holds a salmon with a ring in its mouth and with his left hand a crozier. At either side of the saint is foliated decoration. He stands within a niche of Gothic style with a domed canopy supported upon pillars and flanked by carved screens. Beneath the niche, under an arch, is shield bearing arms: quaterly. 1 and 4: a fess between three mascles. 2 and 3: an otter's head erased on a chevron. The legend is between carved borders: SIGILLVM IACOBI BETON ARCHIEPISCOPI GLASGVEN.
The document was written on parchment by the notary Thomas Knox and it is bearing his authentification mark. It is written on parchment in a formal bastard hand.the first letter is ornamented.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 16514
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Charter of Donation by James Archbishop of Glasgow with consent of the Chapter in favour of the Colledge of the viccarage of the paroch kirk of Colmonell with the fruits rents Churchlands and oyr profits thereof with a provision that it shall not be lawfull to excamb the said viccarage or to resigne it in favours of any other This Charter having ane Ionstrument Subjoyned to it is dated 24 January 1557'.
Related Material
See BL 315 and 316, and BL 318 to 320.
Munimenta Alme Universitatis Glasguensis, Records of the University of Glasgow from its Foundation till 1727, ed. by Cosmo Innes (Glasgow : the Maitland Club, 1856), I, p. 62-65 (entry no 37).
Personal Names