Mortification to the university by William Earl of Dundonald and William Lord Cochrane, his eldest son, of the 11 merks lands of Mylntoun and Arratsholl with the mill and pertinents in the parish of Kilbryde, for the maintenance of four students of philosophy during a complete course, each of whom shall receive 80 pounds Scots yearly, and three students of theology during two years, each of whom shall receive 93 pounds, 6 shillings and 8 pence Scots annually. The students are to be presented by he said Earl and his successors, and it shall not be lawful for the masters to alienate any part of the mortified lands, or to apply their profits to any other use, nor to set leases for longer than 19 years or without the consent of the Earl or his successors.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/475
- Dates of Creation:10 September 1672
- Language of Material:English
Scope and Content
The document is written on pieces of paper bound together in a cursive italic hand, without any ornamentation. It bears the signature of John Shiels.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 10199.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Mortification in favours of the said University by William Earle of Dundonald and William Lord Cochran his eldest sone of the 11 mk. Land of Milntoun and Arratshole with the miln Milnlands Multures sequills Maner place houses Biggings etc. and all oyr pertinents Lying in the paroch of Kilbryde for the mentinance of four students of phylosophie and for payment to each of these students of 80 pounds Scots yearly dureing their course of Phylosophie And for the mentinance of 3 Students in Theologie to be intertained for 2 years And for payment to each of them of 80 pounds and 13 pounds 6 shillings 8 pence yearly which Students are to be presented by the said Earle and his successors with a provision That it shall not be Lawfull to the saids Masters too alienat any part of the subject mortefied or to apply the profits thereof to any oyr use nor to sett tacks for longer than 19 years nor to Sett any tack without consent of the Earle or his successors with ane irritancy in favours of the Colledge of St. Andrews in case of the Contravention And by acceptation of this mortification the saids Masters are bound to free the said Earle and his successors of 80 pounds as the yearly tackduty of the teynds of the saids Lands Sett by them to the said Earle agt. which Tack they are there reponned And it is there provided that if the rent of the Lands and oyrs there disponed shall be augmented or diminished the above provisions In favours of the saids Students shall have a proportionall incresce or decresce Containing a procuratory of Resignation for resigning in the hands of the Soveraign and is dated 10 Sept.1672'.
Munimenta Alme Universitatis Glasguensis, Records of the University of Glasgow from its Foundation till 1727, ed. by Cosmo Innes (Glasgow : the Maitland Club, 1856), I, p. 415-416 (entry no 259).
Personal Names