Decree of the Lords of the Council awarding the small customs of Glasgow to the masters of the college in preference to the archbishop, and adjudging them to have the best right thereunto, in conformance with the previous decree of the said Lords.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/424
- Dates of Creation:19 December 1581
- Language of Material:Scots
Scope and Content
The document is on paper written in a secretary hand. The first letter is slightly ornamented. It bears the signature of Alexander Hay.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 16618.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Decreet of multiplepoynding and preferrance before the Lords of Councill and session preferring the Masters of the Universitie of Glasgow in the competition betwixt the Arcbishop and them for the small customes of Glasgow decerning the saids customes to be anywhere and payed to the saids Masters in all time coming. Daed the nineteenth day of December one thousand ffive hundred and eighty one years'.
Related Material
See BL 418.
Munimenta Alme Universitatis Glasguensis, Records of the University of Glasgow from its Foundation till 1727, ed. by Cosmo Innes (Glasgow : the Maitland Club, 1856), I, p. 135-136 (entry no 74).
Personal Names