Judicial transumpts of several rights of the lands of Craigrossy in the shire of Perth, that is to say: 1) A charter by Robert Archbishop of Glasgow of the foundation, erection and donation of three chapels in the city of Glasgow with the donations thereof out of the said lands, confirmed by King James, dated 31 May 1503. 2) a charter of the said lands of Craigrossy by Robert Stewart of Scotland Earl of Strathearn to Thomas Symple with sasine thereon. 3) An instrument of resignation by John Lord Symple of the said lands in favour of the said Robert Archbishop of Glasgow. 4) A charter of the said lands of Craigrossy by King James IV in favour of the said archbishop, dated 24 May 1503. 5) Sasine and instrument of possession of the said lands in favour of the aforesaid chapels, dated 13 January 1503. 6) charter of confirmation by said King James of an erection and mortification by said archbishop of the chapel erected in the parish of Aderhaine in the bishopric of St Andrews with the dotation thereof out of some houses in Haddingtoun, dated 1506.