Confirmation by the Parliament of a signature of mortification by King Charles I dated 11th November 1641, whereby the whole feu duties of all lands and baronies belonging to the late bishopric of Galloway, abbacies of Tungland and Glenluce, and priory of Whitehorn, with their whole teinds both of parsonage and vicarage, are disponed in favour of the college of Glasgow.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/472
- Dates of Creation:11 November 1641
- Language of Material:Scots
Scope and Content
The document is written on parchment in an upright bastard secretary hand. No ornamentation. It bears the signature of Gibson, clerk.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 10197.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Confirmation by the Parliament of a Signature of Mortification dated 11 Nover. 1641 whereby the haill few duties and oyrs of all Lands Barronies etc. pertaining to the late Bishoprick of Galloway Abbacies of Tungland and Glenluce and priory of Whithorn with all teynds personage and viccarage etc. are disponed in favours of the Colledge of Glasgow dated 17 Nover. 1641'.
Munimenta Alme Universitatis Glasguensis, Records of the University of Glasgow from its Foundation till 1727, ed. by Cosmo Innes (Glasgow : the Maitland Club, 1856), I, p. 285-286 (entry no 180).
Personal Names