Charter by the archbishop of Glasgow mortifying the vicarage of the parish of Dalzell to be a menial church of the vicars of the choir of Glasgow, with an annual deduction of 10 pounds Scots to be paid by the said vicars out of the profits of the said vicarage to the vicar pensioner serving at the choir of the church of Dalzell.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/266
- Dates of Creation:10 October 1556
- Language of Material:Latin
Scope and Content
Seal of James Beaton (II) Archbishop of Glasgow and an unidentified seal.
The seal of James Beaton (II) represents St Kentigern with nimbus, wearing episcopal vestments and a mitre. With his right hand he holds a salmon with a ring in its mouth and with his left hand a crozier. He stands within a niche of Gothic style with a domed canopy supported upon pillars and flanked by carved screens. Beneath the niche, under a arch, ensigned of an archiepiscopal cross, is a shield bearing arms: quaterly. 1 and 4: a fess between three mascles. BEATON. 2 and 3: an otter's head erased on a chevron. The legend is between carved borders: SIGILLVM IACOBI ARCHIEPISCOPI GLASGVEN. The counter seal represents a shield bearing arms: quaterly. 1 and 4: BEATON. 2 and 3: BALFOUR. The shield is ensigned of an archiepiscopal cross botonnee and supported by a salmon naiant as a compartment. To the right of the shield is the capital letter I and to the left is the capital letter B. Motto on an escroll surrounding the shield: FERENDVM VT VINCAS.
The document is written in a very neat, formal bastard and. The first letter is ornamented. It bears the signatures of James, Archbishop of Glasgow, Henry Sinclair Dean of Glasgow, John Steinton precentor, James Balfour treasurer, Alexander Dick archdeacon, James Colquhoun Rector of Stobo, William Baie prebendary of Ballanrik, John Hamilton, Stephan Beaton (Betoun) Recor of Muffait, William Hamilton, John Layng Rector of Luss, John Houston, Robert Creichton prebendary of Sanquhar, James Beaton (betoun) prebendary of Govan, Andrew Hay prebendary of Renfrew.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 16465.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Charter by the Archbishop of Glasgow Mortefieing the viccarage of the paroch kirk of Dalliell to be a Meniall kirk of the viccars of the Qweer of Glasgow with Deduction only of 10 pounds Scots yearly to be payed by the saids viccars out of the profits of the said viccarage to the viccar pentioner serving the Cuire at the kirk of Dalliell dated 10 Octr. 1556'.
Registrum episcopatus Glasguensis : munimenta ecclesie metropolitane Glasguensis a sede restaurata seculo ineunte XII ad reformatam religionem, ed. by Cosmo Innes (Edinburgh: Maitland Club, 1843), II, p. 581-582 (entry no 525).
Personal Names