Procuratory of the resignation of Patrick Walkingshaw, sub-dean of Glasgow and parson of the church of Cadder and Monkland, with the consent of James Archbishop of Glasgow and of the dean and chapter of the metropolitan church of Glasgow, of his subdeanery with the churches of Cadder and Monkland annexed thereto and with the teinds, dues, rents, emoluments and duties belonging thereto into the hands of the King in favour of Robert Lord Boyd.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/449
- Dates of Creation:01 March 1624
- Language of Material:Scots
Scope and Content
Seal of the chapter of Glasgow and seal of Patrick Walkinshaw of that Ilk, subdean in Glasgow between 1561 and 1562. Pendant on tags.
The seal of the chapter represents in chief a church bell, in base a salmon naiant to the right with a ring in its mouth, and on the left flank a bird. The legend is between raised borders: SIGILLVM CAPITVLI GLASGUEN 1615.
The seal of Patrick Walkinshaw represents a shield bearing arms: on a fess between in chief two ? and in base a ? an annulet. At the top and to the sides of the shield is scroll ornament. The legend is between raised borders: S'M'RI PATRICI VALKINSCHAV.
The document is written on parchment in a secretary hand, without any ornamentation. It bears the signatures of James Sharpe minister of Govan, James Anderis, George Cleland parson of Anvisdeire(?), William Ormest,, M. Stobo, J. Hay Archandean of Glasgow, N. Cunningham, A. Campbell, Andrew Boyd, James Archbishop of Glasgow, James Hamilton dean, David Sharpe Chantor of Glasgow, and the witnesses John Crawfurd, James Cunningham, S. Boyd, Adam Boyd, and others.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 3064.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Procuratory of Resignation of Mr. Patrick Walkingshaw Subdean of Glasgow and person of the kirk of Calder and Munkland with Consent of James Archbishop of Glasgow And of the Dean and Chapter of the Metropolitan kirk of Glasgow for resigning the Subdeanry of Glasgow with the Kirks of Calder and Munkland annexed thereto and teynds fruits rents emoluments and duties belonging thereto in the hands of the Soveraign in favours of Robert Lord Boyd Containing a Clause whereby the said Subdean is obliged to ratefie the Infeftment and oyr right to be made of the forsaid subject by the Soveraign in favours of the said Lord Boyd dated day of March 1624'.
Personal Names