Instrument of sasine upon a precept direct from the chancery for infefting James Lord Boyd in the barony of Medross and in the donation of the right of patronage of the church of Kilmarnock, with the rectorage and vicarage thereof, and in the donation of the right of patronage of the subdeanery of Glasgow, with the churches of Cadder and Monkland, with rectorage and vicarage thereof.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/452
- Dates of Creation:03 June 1641
- Language of Material:Latin
Scope and Content
The document was written on parchment by the notary Bartholomew Roberton and it is bearing his authentification mark. It is written in a formal secretary hand with some traditional letters. The first letter is ornamented.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 11472.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Instrument of Seasine upon a precept furth of the Chancery for infefting James Lord Boyd in the Lands and Barrony of Medross and in the advocation Donation and right of patronage of the Kirk of Kilmarnock rectorage and viccarage thereof etc. And in ane advocation Donation and right of patronage of the Subdeanerie of Glasgow and Kirk Calder and Munckland rectorage and viccarage thereof etc. dated 3 June 1641 Registrat at Hamilton 10 June the said year'.
Personal Names