Charter of confirmation under the Great Seal of the mortification by William Earl of Dundonald to the masters, to be held of the Crown.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/477
- Dates of Creation:06 March 1691
- Language of Material:Latin
Custodial History
No previous reference.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Charter of Confirmation under the Great Seall of the said Mortification to be holden of the Crown for ane Elimosinary reddendo Containing a precept of Seasine dated 6 March 1691'.
Related Material
See BL 475.
Munimenta Alme Universitatis Glasguensis, Records of the University of Glasgow from its Foundation till 1727, ed. by Cosmo Innes (Glasgow : the Maitland Club, 1856), I, p. 416-417 (entry no 261).
Personal Names