Mortification by King William in favour of the University of Glasgow of 300 pounds Sterling yearly out of the bishop's rents beginning the first term of payment at Whitsunday, and for the more ready payment of the said mortification the commissioners of the treasury are required to appoint a certain portion of the bishopric of Glasgow and Galloway. 230 pounds of the said mortification are to be employed to the payments of the debts of the university, and the other 70 pounds are to be employed for the maintenance of four bursars in theology to be presented by the King, one of whom is to be selected out of a list of six persons transmitted by the university. The said bursars are to be maintained at the rate of 10 pounds per year during three years, and to be sent abroad in some Protestat university during the 4th year with an allowance of 40 pounds. After all the debts of the university have been paid, the 300 pounds are to be employed partly for the maintenance of the bursars and partly for the maintenance of a foreign professor or for any other pious and necessary uses in the university, at the pleasure of the King.
- Reference:GB 248 GUA BL/482
- Dates of Creation:01 January 1694
- Language of Material:Latin
Scope and Content
Little fragment of a seal. It had a pendant seal tag.
The document is written on parchment in an formal, non-cursive bastard hand. The letters on the first line are decorated.
Custodial History
Previously numbered GUA 10216.
Blackhouse charters catalogue description: 'Mortification by K. Wm. in favours of the University of Glasgow of 300 pounds Starline yearly out of the Bishops rents beginning the first terme of payment at Whyt. then last past and so furth yearly and termely in all tyme comeing And for the more ready payment of the said Mortification the Commissioners of the Threasury are thereby requyred to allocat and appoynt a Certain Locaklity and portion of the Bishoprick of Glasgow and Galloway which might be sufficient for the payment of the said Mortification for the year 1694 And in all tyme comeing Butt prejudice to the payment due for the terme of Whyt. preceeding out of the rents of the saids Bishoprick not already disposed of with pouer to the said University of appoynting factors for uplifting the same And the said Mortification is appoynted to be impoyed thus 230 pounds Star. yearly to the payment ofthe debts of the said University till the same be compleatly payed and the oyr 70 for the mentinance of 4 bursors in Theologie to be presented by the Soveraign of which one is to be presented yearly at or befor ye 10 Oct. being named out of a list of 6 persons transmitted by the faculty of the said University yearly to the Clerk of the Threasury upon or befor the 1st August yearly The saids bursors to be mentained at the rate of 10 pounds Starline yearly each for the first 3 years and to be sent abroad to Study the 4th year at some protestant University abroad by the direction of the faculty of the said University of Glasgow and to have for the said 4th years allowance 40 pounds Starline and so furth yearly to continue till the debts of the said University be all payed And then the said whole soume of 300 pounds Star. to be applyed partly for bursors and partly for a foreign professor or for oyr pious and necessar uses in the said University at the pleasure of the Soveraign And all thir things to be performed at the sight of the present Commission of Parliament Appoynted for visitation of Universities and Schools or at the sight of any oyr to be appoynted by the Soveraign And the Commissioners of the Threasury are yrby apppoynted to make the said Mortification effectuall and untill the said Locality be appoynted the Collectors of the Bishops rents are ordained to be subject and lyable to the payment of the said 300 pounds Star. yearly dated 28 Febry. 1695'.
Personal Names